Wednesday, February 10

Child Abductions Really Suck

 I was awakened this morning to the loud tone emitting from my cell phone. Unfortunately, it was not my regular alarm tone, and therefore, it 'jolted' me awake. On the other side of the bed, the Wife's phone was emitting the same tone. My first thought, coming from a dead sleep, was this was the emergency broadcast, and something MAJOR just happened - like someone launching nuclear warheads, or something. No, it was a child abduction. An AMBER alert, if you will. And I couldn't read it. Admittedly, I did not have my glasses on, and to shut the screeching pitch of a noise off, I tapped the button on the screen. Noise stopped, and the text box disappeared. So now I have no idea why I was getting the alert - supposedly it would be something that happened in my area of town. Either way, child abductions suck, because now I have been up for like two and half hours, and not feeling sleepy again yet. I'm going to try to lay down and nap, or hopefully, sleep until time to get up, after I get done here.

The middle Son came by yesterday, because he was bored. He and the Wife ended up going to WinCo to do some shopping - not because he or is needed groceries. Mostly because they sell some stuff in bulk, like candies you can get however much you want in a bag, and pay by weight. That feature had been not allowed due to covid, but I guess they are allowing it in some type of form again. Wife ended up getting me some of them black licorice tasting candies. I'm more excited about the bag of salt & vinegar chips she got me.

Well, I should close this off, and try to get back to bed and sleep.


Edit: I was able to get back to sleep finally around 3:30, and now I am up again for work, I still feel tired as heck. Think it is going to be a long day.

1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

Yeah it woke me up too - not from my phone as it was in the other room and it wasn't so loud. It was from Tom's phone... and he didn't even hear it. Me, on the other hand, had to listen to it until it stopped Then I was awake as well. But you are right - child abductions do suck.