Sunday, January 31

The Recap ... of Nothing

 Not much to say abot anything that happened this weekend. We didn't make it out to look at fence panels. Friday evening, I had the Wife give me a ride up to the pub, and on the way we discussed it. The neighbor's house on that side has been empty for a couple years. She, or her daughter come by every few months and "check on" the property, but mostly it just sits vacant. There have been a couple times we have seen homeless trying to set up in the backyard. She has asked us to call the police if it happened again, but to my recollection it hasn't. Anyways, I guess she had been by earlier in the week, but after the storm. She had lost a tree in the backyard, and noticed that we had very temporarily gotten that part of the fence back up. She spoke to the Wife about block fencing. The Wife shared with me, and I am all for it. This fence is quite aged and weathered, and who knows when the next storm will come through and knock the rest of it down. I don't have the physical ability to get out there and set fence posts and panels.... and financially, we could afford to split the cost of aa block fence along that property side. The Wife will be talking to the neighbor I am sure sometime this week.

The oldest Son came by yesterday! Of course, it was to do his laundry, but still he came by! The laundry facilities at their apartment complex are expensive, as I am sure they are pretty much everywhere nowadays. The middle Son, that shares the apartment, hasn't been by to do laundry in a long time, so would not be surprised to see him be over some day soon as well. But it was good to visit with the older Son. He has plans to meet up with his girlfriend and maybe do a pic-a-nic lunch, then be by here again to pick up the last load of laundry he had left.

Spent part of yesterday watching "Bloodshot", with Vin Diesel. I wasn't impressed. It was one of those comic-book type movies. Then I spent some time playing Warcraft. Later in the evening I ended up on FB and watching videos, which led to YouTube and more time wasted. And I spent all day sneezing and wiping my watering eyes. For some reason, my allergies were just terrible, and I already feel them starting up again today. Which means I won't be trying to go to church. I am sure no one wants to hear someone sneezing and blowing their nose, and wearing a mask while dealing with it? I don't think so.

The title company reached out to me and finally asked for the payoff and an Identity statement for the sale of the old house. I wondered what had taken so long, but glad it is here finally. I'll print those off today, and scan/send them back. Sis said something the other day in a text that the "rehab" that is going on there is almost done. In theory, the contract reads until the end of this month basically, but I do hope we can sell this before then and close. I just want to be disconnected from it.


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