Sunday, December 5

Resting Up

 Sunday has come around again, and this one finds me resting up for this next week. The Wife and I went out for a brunch yesterday, went to run an errand, and ended up shopping for a couple hours. We did complete much of our holiday gift shopping, yet I still need to go out for a couple more things. I also got the car washed and then spent part of the evening up at the VFW for some beer and karaoke.

Tomorrow it is back to work. This project (from what I was told) was to be about a week and half long, which means by the end of the week, it should be finishing up. Hoping they will be able to get into another quickly - I know for a fact that there are at least 4 other projects going on right now as well.

I do believe The Wife and I have finally figured out birthday and holiday shopping, in regards to/from each other, or from kids. While out yesterday, I saw her pick up an item and add it to the cart, I asked who that was for. She says, 'Me, it's from Youngest Son for my birthday this week'. Later on, I added an item, and said it was for me at Christmas from Youngest. She did finally give me at least one idea that I'll take Youngest out to select whatever design/color he likes for her.

Anyways, got nothing of importance to say today, and feel like I will just be ramblin' on ...


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