Wednesday, January 11

Getting Cheap

 Who doesn't like to save a buck? I know I don't mind saving some money when purchasing things - be it the item being on sale, or discounted for a multitude of reasons. The Wife (the frugal one of our relationship) has always been awesome at finding deals on things, etc. and it has helped us save money over the years. We shop at discount stores for food and clothes. We watch for things to go on sale. You get the idea of what I mean.

So yesterday, after wrapping up with the workday, I decided to run over to the 99 Cent store, as I needed to get some bread, some water flavoring packets, and maybe some soda. Oh, and reading glasses. I broke mine the other day. The one near our home is of a decent size. And there were empty shelves! I strolled down the soda aisle, and the only soda there were about three different flavors of Shasta, where they usually have several flavors, and brands. When I got to the water flavoring, there was only like five available flavors - and only 1 of the kind I like. Bread... oh my. No white bread, but I found one package of white hamburger buns. Are things so expensive now, that even the "dollar store" can't stock it's shelves?

Oh, and I found a pair of reading glasses there. They were stronger than the ones I had picked up before, and when I got home, they actually work better than the previous pair. Bonus.

I have a feeling I will break down and go over to WinCo this weekend. The one 2-liter of Shasta Lemon/Lime I got is last night is almost gone already. I do love my sodas. I know the Youngest has asked if we could get some soda for him as well.

Welp, I should get back to actually working.


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