Thursday, January 19

Just a Few Minutes...

 I only have about 10 minutes or so before I log into my work day, to share a whole lot of nothing with you. I did get a later start than I wanted yesterday, but still managed to get my eight hours in without having to work later than I prefer. Today, I am starting a little earlier than usual, just because I can. 

It is Thursday, and that means one of the buddies will be sending out a group text around 3pm asking if anyone wants to meet up for a few beers. This friend does it every week, as this is the only night his wife allows him to get out and spend an hour or two with friends. RM's post today about the things that come out of one's mouth, so I should stop there before commenting about this friend's wife.... I have not decided if I want to go out or not. With me joining the Warcraft raid group I am in that meets two nights a week, the Youngest's percussion practices on Tuesdays, and nights just spent at home, I have narrowed out much of the time I use to spend drinking. All in all, that's a good thing I guess. Though, it does cut into the reading time somewhat.

Speaking of reading, I updated the widgets on the right side of the blog to show this years goals, and updated the one that shows what I am currently reading, as if you cared. I got RM to start using to help mark her reading progresses, though, I think it was yesterday she mentioned she had marked some other books she had marked as 'reading' as 'read' as she had finished them last year, and it counted to this year's goal. I'll have to go and look at that on mine, and see if I can figure out how to show her so it doesn't count on the reading goals if she hasn't read it this year. I know, you are soooo interested in that....

Welp, I guess I should close this off and get logged into work.


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