Saturday, January 14

Well, That Wasn't Smart ...

 Thursday night I went out to meet up with the buds. Then I stayed later than I should have. In fact, Around 11pm I got asked to help out my friend, the bar owner, to help with security. They just did not have enough guys on "College Night" to watch every single door, and there were those trying to sneak in their under-aged friends, etc. So I did. Which meant I didn't get out of there until almost 2:30am, followed  with my friend asking me to Dennys for breakfast to "pay" me for helping him out. C'mon, food? Of course I went. So as I stumbled into bed around 4am, I knew Friday w2as going to be a tough day.

Turns out it wasn't. When I finally 'woke' at 8am, I knew I was not going to be working that day. I got up, sent off an email about not feeling well (because I truly wasn't) and went back to bed. Slept until non, literally. Do I regret "calling in sick" to work? Nope. So Friday night was raid, and I guess I slept pretty good (again) and up around 8 this morning. I even folded a basket of my laundry already. I'm freakin' awesome.

Nothing on the agenda today for me, really. The Wife says she wants to 'get things done' around the house, but hopefully they do not include me. I may just spend the day doing a couple small things here and there, then play some Warcraft.


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