Friday, December 9

I was a bit Grouchy

 Last night, the Youngest had the school's 'Winter Concerts' for Band, Orchestra, and the two Jazz bands they have. He is in one of the Jazz abdns and the regular band. I did not want to go, but I did. I was grouchy. I was hangry. I was tired (mentally) from work that day. But I did go, and realized again why I dislike attending school concerts like these. The Jazz bands seem to like to have every musician play a solo on every song (slight exaggeration, but still), and the orchestra was so out of tune.... It's love and support for your child though. Plus RM made it, and iut was nice to see her.

This morning finds me up just before 6:30am ready to start the workday. I'm just taking a few minutes to write here as I log in to the many programs. I think the majority of this weekend will be filled with playing Warcraft, as I get my character ready for the Guild raids that will start soon. I'm pretty much done shopping for Christmas, just waiting on the Frys food stores to do the 4x fuel points for gift cards.


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