Monday, December 19

Second Morning

 Yesterday was a day of joy and sorrow. HAd a good morning watching Detroit win, watching Dallas lose in overtime, and had some time with a friend that is in state for the holiday. The Wife even let me take her out to Golden Corral for dinner. After arriving back home, that's when I got the phone from the Oldest Son. His car had been stolen from his apartment complex. He was calling to ask what should he do. Of course, he's calling me because it has happened to me a couple times in the last 30 years. I told him to call the non-emergency police line, get them out there to do a report, then get on into work. Not much else you can do at this point.

This morning I woke up around 2:30am. I tossed/turned in bed for a good hour before finally getting up. The Oldest Son had asked that I give him a ride home from work, and thought he would done near-abouts 4:30am. He finally called so I went and got him home. We talked a bit more about what his options are right now, and I gave advice on what I think he should do. Mostly I told him to just get some rest, de-stress, and move on for now. There was not much of any major value in the car, other than the car itself, and that can still be replaced. I know he is just upset at the feeling of being victimized and having something personal stolen from him. I went through that as well.

So back home I crawled (fell?) back into bed and cat-napped until the Wife's alarm had gone off four or five times and she finally got up for work. So, second morning, now that I am awake and up again. I am sure I will see a nap later today.

No news on the work front. Even if a project got started this week, I would pass on it for now. Trying to be available for the Son if he needs a ride, or they find his car, etc. That, and wrapping of presents needs to be done (I hate doing that) but trying to help out with it all. Still need to get out to one store for a few gifts yet as well.

Guess I should get something done.


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