Monday, June 19

A Monday Evening

 What a day today has been. Yesterday was good. The Oldest Son and I went and hung out for awhile. Had some good conversation and catching up on things going on in his life. Unfortunately, his phone had gotten dropped at some point, and he had noticed until today, but the screen was not working properly now. Late this afternoon he called me about what to do, as it was nearing time for him to go to work. I ended up meeting him at a Verizon store near him, and we ended up upgrading his phone. He got a $1000 phone, with an $800 discount with trade-in! Wowza! Then they talked me into trying their Verizon internet program. So I got a new modem to try for 30 days. Already I can tell the difference in speed transfers and usage compared to my current company. I think I will discontinue the old one, and save money by just using Verizon. But I'll wait a couple weeks before making the agreement. One thing I hate about the current company is the service drops intermittently throughout the day, and just lags (low transfer rates) when multiple people are using it. If this one does not do that, they get my money.

Work is progressing, but it looks like they are starting to slow down on this project. I'm guessing maybe another day or two, but am not completely sure. This is week six of a supposed four week project....

Guess that's all I got. Won't have to write in the morning now....


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