Thursday, June 8

Thirsty Thursday

 Welp, It is 6am and here I sit, online, waiting for my manager to log in to find out if I am done with this project, or if there is more to do. Looking at log notes yesterday, it may be near an hour yet before I see her show up online. Sigh. Time I don't get paid for, even though I am ready before she is. Might mean working an hour later this afternoon to get some hours in.

I kind of hope this project has reached its end for me. It's not different than any other project, I'm just ready to move on, where I am not feeling like every time I complete something, I never know if it the last one or not. Then there is like now, where I feel like I have to sit in limbo, waiting on them, waiting on anything....Sigh. Maybe it is just my mood this morning.

It is Thursday, and usually I meet up with the buddies. This week we had met up Tuesday night, so no idea if plans are for tonight or not. I know the two of them met up last night, as the one friend has his family out of town for a few weeks. He is pretty bored on his off days from work. Some of us can't do the every night thing.... I stayed home last night.

Welp, I guess I should go find something to do until the manager gets online.


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