Sunday, June 18

Father's Day Means 'Me Time'

 I went to the pub yesterday. I wasn't going to, but I got bored and so headed out. I made the excuse as I drove to the VFW that I needed to see if they had gotten in the shipment of Devil's Devil, as the Oldest Son wanted to try it out possibly today. But I was good, and left the VFW early, though stopped at another of the watering holes on the way home. I still made it home early (well, way earlier than a usual Saturday) and was in bed by about 9:30. Then RM texted and woke me...but it was no big deal. 

So this morning I slept in a bit. The Middle Son had texted HFD to me already this morning. Probably when he got off work. It's only 8:30, so haven't heard from the other three. Not expecting gifts either... just texts. The Oldest Son said he wanted to spend time with me, and I am hoping he will, though I know he needs his sleep during the days (he works nights as well.

So nothing of import to share today. RM shared a short memory of her dad. I thought about sharing some of mine, but I just don't feel like sharing today. They are my memories, and I think I will keep them to myself.


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