Saturday, June 24

Things to Do, or My List of Things to Put Off Today

 Being 5:40am in the morning sounds like a good start to the day - unless it is a weekend day. Yet, here I am. I woke early (had to pee) and though laid back down, knew sleep would not be coming back. So I figured I should come into the office and bore y'all this morning.

Work is still going, though sporadically. Seems I am in a 'downtime' whilst waiting them to provide material to work. A couple days this past week I only worked a little over three hours a day. At least when I logged out yesterday, there was a work flow for Monday morning. Hopefully, it will last a good day.

The Youngest had a late invite to stay over at a friend's house last night. The Wife called me up about it around 8ish I think it was, so I came home. We looked into going to a late movie, but nothing was showing late that we were interested in. We ended up at Denny's for dessert - well for her. I was hungry (hadn't eaten yet) so I ordered food. Then back home we went, finding myself asleep shortly after. It was nice to have a little date, and catch up on stuff we want to do (vacation maybe....).

I have that Verizon modem still sitting here, though it has been unplugged pretty much since I brought it home. We plan to look at how to change our family plan to an unlimited data one (versus the limited at 4Gb shared all devices) today and see what can be done. The Wife thinks it is a charge per phone, versus the plan rate increase. If that is the case, maybe we can just put the modem to unlimited (counts as a device on the plan) and use it. Gotta try to figure it out, as I want the better service/speeds it has versus teh DSL line I use now.

I'm sure there are a zillion other things that need to get done at some point around here, but I can't think of them right now. I am craving soda pretty bad this morning (or at least carbonation).


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