Monday, December 4

Feeling Good


A little music to start your Monday. I like this song ever since my Aunt 'Nita turned me onto Buble' many years ago when I was visiting. But the real matter is, that I am feeling better after being sick most of the weekend. So pretty sure it wasn't the flu, or covid, but just some 'bug' that I caught.

Monday morning is here, and I am not sleeping. Was in bed by 10pm, but sleep would just not come. Same for the Wife. However, she just drifted off about 20 minutes ago - I know, since I heard her snoring. So I decided to try a couple sleeping pills (OTC that just doesn't seem to work for me) and hope they work this time. I think my next doctor appointment I am going to ask about something prescription that will help me fall asleep. All I know is if I am not having at least a drink, I ain't falling asleep easy. Could that be a problem? I Am sure.... after all, I am doing this ultrasound of my liver, additional blood testing on top, to find out... though I really don't want to know.

Anyways, so that's how early my Monday problems are starting.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

Aunt Nita got me on Michael Buble as well. Need to pull out his Christmas CD and listen to it. Thanks for the reminder. Glad you are feeling better. LYM