Wednesday, December 6

Mid-Week Crisis (or I'm So Freaking Bored)

 Welcome to Wednesday, or as we called it in my younger days, Whiskey Wednesday, and then we would drink shots for hours into the night. I can't do that anymore (health, age, etc) but I still occasionally will have one or two. A buddy I meet up with once a week has asked to change from our regular Thursday to tonight, as he has plans tomorrow. So that means I will more than likely be having some Jack Daniels tonight.

I was book working this morning, meaning going through my emails, seeing what books have been recently released that I would like and trying to locate copies. I was able to get about four I had been watching the sites. I have one that signed up to read for a review that I need to get started. And according to my meter, I have read 237 books so far this year. I might make 240, but not much higher I feel. Not bad for an original goal of 200.

Christmas Shopping. Ugh! I hate shopping. Period. Now having to do it with having to think what could this person use/want/need. I just cannot do it. I think I may just end up doing a majority of gift cards this year. At least for the kids. When it comes to RM & PT, I have like an idea of one gift for each of them, then I'm out of ideas. RM would say it doesn't matter, but I know PT would want something versus nothing. I tell RM every year to not bother getting me anything, but you know how mothers are....

And speaking of gifts... the Wife's birthday is in a couple days, and as usual I have no ideas of what to get her. I know I will pick up some pajamas for her, for Christmas, then <shrug> no clue. I actually was talking to her about it the other night, and she mentioned she would love the pan set she had been watching before it went off sale. Of course, it is no longer on sale, and she bought it before the sale ended... so it still counts as a gift, even though she bought it before her birthday? I would have gotten it earlier if I had known...

I do have a few gifts coming in the delivery system over the next week or so. It is getting almost too late to have ordered in stuff now. Which means I will send the Wife out shopping for gifts as she has free time. I can't do it. I don't have the tolerance for people and crowds.

Anyways, that's my mid-week crisis.


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