Monday, April 25


 Ugh, I do not feel good this morning.I slept well, in fact, maybe better than I do most nights. I woke with the alarm feeling okay. I set the alarm earlier than usual for my workday, since I have extra things to do each morning now. I got up and proceeded to get my basics out of the way, then sat down to play with the glucose meter. Did the new routine of sugar testing, followed by BP check, followed by the morning pills (BP and Diabetes) and had a couple small granola bars for breakfast. The diabetes pill has to be taken with food. Though I did eat right after taking it, it's been more than a couple hours and I am feeling nauseous. I know there are some side effects, which this is one, but it is worse this morning than the past two days. Want to barf, but I guess my body doesn't want to do so.

The aches I felt yesterday have decreased in severity. Though I still have a slight nagging headache at teh back of my skull. I'm waiting on taking any tylenol to see if it will just go away as I concentrate on work.

After work taking care of the rental car, the police station for my keys (hopefully) and maybe the bank depending on the time. Yee haw.


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