Monday, April 11

Sometimes, I Just ...

 ...Don't like adulting. I took the next couple days off work in order to have the time to get things done regarding my accident. 

First I called the city I thought had answered the call, and they had nothing. Then called my city and was able to get the incident number. I also got the info where my car was towed to, their phone, and asked about my license that I had not received back from the officer. Seems I have to go to the Property Management office for the PPD which is south of downtown (q bit of a drive) and provide valid ID (which is what I need to get from them). Also the tow company needs valid ID and title in order for me to access the car to claim my personal items. So now I need an ID. digital picture of it won't work (I was told).

So I am off at some point here soon to the DMV to get a duplicate license. At least I will have the official copy from DMV to use for the car, and a new replacement in a few days. Whether my ride can get me to my car today or not, we will see. I may need to reach out to my brother.

Called and passed along all the information I have now to my insurance company. It is now a waiting game to determine who is "at fault" (even though I feel it is not mine). It will take them a couple days to get in touch with the other insurance company, etc. I was not given a ticket, though, I had left the scene in an ambulance - so who knows if the officer(S) determined fault at the scene or not.

Sigh. I am getting to old for this crap. The stress alone is starting to affect me.

Good thoughts to keep my head up: Initial appearances is that I was the only one 'hurt', yet scratches and bruising is basically all I have; I work from home, so an immediate replacement/rental is not needed; I have an attorney, if it turns out I need one. I can't think of any others right now. Nerves are pretty raw right now with having to re-gash the details, and the stress of trying to get all the info together, let alone the worries if I am found at fault.


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