Saturday, April 23

Waiting On That Other Shoe

 YEsterday was not a day that I am very happy with. I mean, most of the day was fine as it was spent with me working. After I clocked out is when things went brappy. 

When it is time, I headed to my Doctors appointment. It is just a few miles north of me, and not a long drive. As I was exiting the freeway, a frickin' rock tagged the windshield. Great. It starred when it hit, on the left, about an inch from the side edge. Mind you, I am in a rental, and I did not take the $30/day insurance, so who knows how much this will cost me when I turn it in. Needless to say, after my appoiontment, the start had grown crack line about 6-7 inches long. Grrrrr.

Back to the doctors appointment. I knew it was going to be bad. I could tell from the labwork I had done, we were going to be doing some talking. Final results: upped my BP med dosage; added a cholesterol pill, added a type-2 diabetes med, plus the glucose meter, strips, etc. Doc was putting in a referral for a nutritionist to be seen, but I don't think I am going to go that far. I am picking up the 'scripts today after breakfast.

Got up today about 7:30 and woke the Youngest. He had agreed to do the lawn this morning. afterwards, I am taking the Wife and him to breakfast/brunch. Errands will be ran (bank, Walgreens) and then I do believe we are going to get my new car. I found it online at one dealership on this side of town. Be nice to get it today, and turn this rental back in (plus fees for the windshield - sigh) on Monday. SAve a little more money.I don't know if I had mentioned, the other place I had talked to them about the car, well, he called and said someone else had reserved it. Screw them, going somewhere else today.

Guess I shoulld get some stuff done before breakfast.



Joe said...

Your auto insurance may cover the rental car claim. Might not be good with one big claim pending though

Ralphd00d said...

Well, the insurance had paid for the car up til 5 days of acceptance of a settlement, so they aren't going to pick up more cost...