Monday, April 4

It's Always the Weird Stuff

 It is a dark 2:30am morning post for you today. Seems the body needed to relieve some water pressure, so it woke me, then decided that I was awake, and did not need to return to the Land od Nod. Instead, the ol' squishy stuff in the noggin' started throwing all these weird thoughts. I'd be there thinking 'How nice it would be to be relaxing in a hammock" you know, trying to get the sleep-vibe going .... the the brain would be like 'Yeah! And these zombie-esque monsters appear and they have crab-claws for hands - razor sharp! - and they keep cutting down just one end of your hammock so you flop to the ground all the time'. Yeah ... stuff like that. After a half hour of it, I realized I was not going back to sleep anytime real soon.

Still like three hours until I can even think about signing into work. Sigh. At least it looks like we have work on this project I think for at least two more days. I could be wrong, and misjudged the workload left, but it will be close. Then I have no idea what they will throw my way. It may be nice to have a day or two off though.

Late in the day on Friday, I received a message through my 'medical chart' thingy on the interwebz. It stated my referral had gone through, and I needed to contact this number in order to schedule my colonoscopy. I think I have said it before, I know I am fifty, and it is a regular "screening" they do, but I am not looking forward to it. I had met up with my brother and asked about him going with me (cannot drive after procedure) and he was open on time whenever I scheduled it. The Wife is not sure if she could get any particular day off due to staffing issues, as well as her own medical that may be going on. I am guessing they will need to schedule me within the next couple weeks.

I bought a Samsung tablet several years ago. It finally decided to die (with one of the cats' help, of course). Seems Saturday morning while we were out taking care of errands, one of the cats knocked it off the bedside table where it was charging. My best guess is it landed hard enough, on the connection port with the cord in still, it jammed the port. It would not charge, it would not allow transfer to the computer, it would say it could connect to the wifi, but really didn't. It held some games I play, but most importantly, it held my ebooks/reader. I don't really have another one. I have a Kindle Fire, that I have replaced a few times over the years since RM first bought me one, but I don't care for the Amazon only content. So Saturday afternoon I went out to find a new tablet. Of course, the one tablet that was closest in size/capability was out of stock, and I wasn't waiting days on end to get a new one, so paid an extra $100 for one slightly better. Screen size is larger, as well as system memory .... and it is faster in processing. I was able to get my reader program downloaded, then loaded with books (including the one(s) currently reading). My Google account was able to reload many apps from a previous backup (though most of those I don't use). They did not have any 'good, sturdy' cases at the store, so found one on Amazon (cheaper than the crappy flip ones they hadat the store) and am expecting that package today. It has an adjustab;e hand-grip thingy on the back for easier holding, and an actual shoulder strap for easier carrying, though I don't know if I would use the shoulder thing.

Ugh. I woke up thirsty and have already drained a 32 ounce bottle of water. Looks like I will be making multiple trips to the bathroom today.

... and now that I have given you more info than you care to have, I am outta here.


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