Monday, May 8

No Car Parts At The Car Store

 I slept in a little on Saturday. Meaning, even though it was like 1am or so when I went to bed, I was up again around 7:30, as I just couldn't sleep. I dilly-dallied around the house, waiting for a later time in the morning for stores to open, and headed out. I did pick up my remaining prescriptions, then decided to head to Autozone, to see if they had license plate bolts - for the car so I could put on the temporary plates (a water-proof piece of "paper"). I wandered the store, checking every place I would think the bolts would be - twice around the license plate frames they carried. I could not find any. I checked amongst the regular fasteners, bolts, and screws, but could not find anything that was labeled as such, nor that looked the proper type/size. Finally, I went to the counter once I saw a lull in customers, and asked. The counterperson looked at the same areas as I , and said it appears they don't have any, and suggested I try Wallymart. Shocked, I tell you - no car parts at the car store! I know I had seen packages labeled as license plate screws recently, and in my head decided it must have been at Fry's (Kroger) in their miniscule car accessories section. The Autozone I was at was across from Fry's, but traffic was getting heavy enough, I wasn't going to bother trying to get left turns across traffic, at a light, and just headed home. I jumped onto Amazon, put in the car make/model/year and got found the screws, ordered them, and expect them on Wednesday - cheaper than the screws I wasn't sure of at the auto store. One less thing to have to go try to find store by store....

I woke before the alarm this morning as well. Not sure why. Sent out the regular weekly email to the Company - hopefully a project comes soon. Nothing really planned for the week. Youngest has his last concert tomorrow night. Doctor appointment on Wednesday. I did print off and filled out my handicap placard form, and will take it to see if the doctor will sign off on it. I honestly do not need it ALL the time, but just having it available for use if needed is good. Besides, here in Arizona, there is no charge to get one. I'm not getting the plates, as those do have a cost (minimal) and I already like my specialty plates I have now.

Welp, did my glucose and BP checks, took the pills, and wrote here. Guess I should move on with the day ....


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