Saturday, May 13

Mellow Weekend Outlook

 Yesterday I went and completed the labs that needed to get done for the doctor. I am sure I will be hearing from her this next week in regards to the cholesterol counts, and if she is changing up the 'statin' pill I take for it currently. I also picked up the one changed prescription to one of the diabetes pills I take. Another little trip and dropped off the handicap placard application, received a temporary one, as the 6-month one will be mailed to me. Then I went and had some Taco Bell. Not my favorite place to eat, but wanted something quick and not a burger - I had been fasting all morning, and it was nearly 2pm by this point. After a couple days of not taking my meds (makes me sound crazy, huh?) This morning's counts were actually not bad. With the upped med , I'm curious what will become a more regular glucose count....

Nothing planned out for this weekend. I know there are always things to get done around the house, but no major events are planned. I may get out to the Post today, as I haven't been for a couple weeks. The Youngest had texted me yesterday that he does have to attend and play at the graduation ceremony. He was not thrilled, as he thought he was done for the year.

Nothing of any importance that feels like being shared today. I should write up those reviews I have been putting off. Maybe I will feel motivated once I am done here.


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