Friday, May 19

TGIF For Sure!

 Today brings us to the close of my work week, and I can say I am worn out from it. Being off projects for that long of awhile will take some time to readjust to working again. Mainly with the mental part of the job, as the physical - well, I sit at a computer all day.

Youngest will be done with school Thursday this next week. Says he is ready to take his permit test (for driving) this Saturday. Lessons will begin shortly after I presume.

The Wife has been a little weird of late. Over the last week or so, she has brought home and given to me, apples. Now I truly love apples, and I know I say it often that I need to 'eat healthier'. But why so many? First it was a bag of three, like they were on discount maybe? They were larger ones granted... Then a couple days later, another bag of three, large apples (different variety), and just the other day, a bag of smaller ones. Then last night, she brought home these Mothers Day 'bouquets' consisting of candy glued to sticks, then stuck in a foam to look 'bouquet-ish'. I think she needs to quit going to the store every day after work....

Welp, I have spent a good amount of time between writing here and work, so I should close this off...


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