Thursday, April 13

Getting It Done ...

  I woke at 6:00am this morning. I know because I rolled over and checked the time. I had 15 minutes until the alarm was to go off, so I just lay there, staring up at the new ceiling fan (which was working very well). I lay there and thought about what today is (Thursday) and what events/things were going on I needed to take someone to, or be at. None came to mind. Then I thought about that damn 'to-do' list. Sigh. When the alarm went off, I got up and tackled the important things, then headed to the office. All five steps.

Usually I start my day reading RM's blog, perusing a couple of my book sites, FB, emails, and spending the time doing replies/comments as needed at whichever place I am at. This morning, I decided different was good. Did my glucose and BP checks (both were good ranges) then jumped into the emails first. I had had a couple sitting there to take care (needing extra attention/files/replies) and finished them both up. Created a couple new "saved" folders and spent some time adjusting some saved emails based on what they were discussing. I'll be going back to that in a bit. Jumped over to RM's blog, decided to get this out, and goodness knows where I am off to next. Probably another email to the Company saying I am available. Really starting to get weird not working.

It is Thursday, so will probably be meeting up with a couple buddies late this afternoon. Might go up a little earlier and get some more reading in. I am done with the required reads for reviews, yet still need to finish up one review before I am done. Another project for today. Then I have several more requests out there, just waiting to hear back.

Guess I should move on to things while I still feel motivated.


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