Monday, April 17

Getting More Things Done ..

 I'm up and rarin' to go ... not really. It's about 5:20am this morning, and the Damn Cat (aka Rusty, the Crack Kitty) woke me. Figured I might as well get up since I was not sleeping well with my CPAP not working as properly as it should. Electrical tape can only fix so much of the area that has broken through, and the air just seeps out everywhere else it seems, meaning there is loud 'whooshing' noise all night. But there are things that need to get done, and I might as well start now.

So finally got the information I needed to complete the online filing for our taxes from the Wife last night. I guess I will start there this morning. Followed by a call to the MVD Abandonment department once they open around 8 - maybe 9 - this morning. The Wife asked me to run out to the discount grocery to see if they have more protein drinks that She likes for breakfast. Who knows what else they will have this week that I may decide to pick up as well. Hopefully some soda....

While doing my morning pre-med status checks, I realized I must have a Dr appointment coming up soon. I just took a couple moments and signed into the 'MyChart' for the medical system I partake in, and see I have one coming up in early May. I recorded my numbers in my log book this morning (Glucose 168, BP 140/78 - goals were Glucose=<140 and BP 140/80 or better). I haven't been the best at keeping my log, as there are times several days have gone by without a recording. Mostly because I forget. I still remember to take my meds (most days) so there is that.

The Middle Son came over yesterday and with the Younger's help, we managed to get a good portion of the front lawn taken care of. He also helped the Wife in the back yard with stuff around her garden.

Welp, nothing ain't gonna get done unless I get it started....


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