Saturday, April 15

Time to Go Shopping

 Damn cats. I was woken (wakened?) by the sound of a plastic bag being loudly thrashed by one of the three cats, at like, 3:30am. What the heck? I know Crack Kitty (aka Rusty) has always had a petroleum fetish (constantly into plastic bags, chewing on them, acting like they are catnip) but I think it was one of the other two: Skitters or Lucious. Not sure which, but I was not amused with the early morning antics. So, of course, now I can't sleep (despite taking 2 sleeping pills last night). I decided to do my weekly book searching: finding some more to request, checking status on ones coming out soon from authors I enjoy, seeing what else is coming soon and adding it to my "lists". And it is only 4:30am now. Sigh.

Thursday I did accomplish a few things and was able to scratch them off my to-do list. One good one is the claim I put in on my office chair. I don't recall if I mentioned, but several weeks ago one of the bolts holding the back and handle to the seat had snapped, and now leaning back is a nightmare and a fall waiting to happen. Within the hour of me sending pictures of front and back (why? the damage was on the side) and an included side pic, I had a response. They set up the full amount paid for the chair (minus taxes) so I can purchase another. I did go up to Staples on Thursday, and found a chair I like, and of course, it is $10 more than what I had to replace with, but I think it will be worth it - plus the warranty. We know now that it was worth it. Probably will go up today and get it, bring it home and put it together.

I really need to get out and get the lawn done. It is hard with my physical limitations, and the Wife is tired from working all week. Youngest is in the rebellious teenage mode (again) and refuses to get up and help with anything unless it is is for something he wants. The two older Sons live close, but one has off-hours for work, and the other is usually busy with his own life. If I can get the Wife to weed-eat/pull stuff from around her plants, I will take the hour plus to mow the lawn (have to take breaks). Guess we will see if she gets her butt out of bed at a decent time.

Erg. I see I still need to call on the title issue for the car. I need to set that right in front of everything on my desk. Sitting off to the side, I keep forgetting about it, until it is too late to call. Need to finish the taxes this weekend, too. I needed some additional info from the Wife to complete the online filings, and she hasn't got back to me about it. I guess she will be doing that today!


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