Monday, April 24

What's New Today?

 Not a whole lot, that's for sure. It is a Monday, and as is the norm for me, first thing I did was send off an email to the Company, letting them know I am available for any project they could possibly have, and yes, though I have worked for them for over two years, I included yet again, a newly updated resume reflecting this information (per their instructions). Hopefully, something will be available to start this week.

Saturday night's dinner went well. I was able to invite the Middle Son, and he was able to attend. After dinner, her 'stole' the Youngest. I went out the the VFW for a bit, then back home. Sunday was spent just lazing about the house - well, for me. The Wife did some work in her garden until it was too hot outside. All in all, it was a typical weekend I guess. I did see my brother up at the Post, and he invited me to go with him up north next weekend when he visits his kids. I have no reason to think they would want to see me, but I told him probably not. What am I gonna do in po-dunk while he visits?

Had some issues with getting my mail program, Outlook, to load in my browser correctly this weekend, so 'googled' the problem and the easiest to fix was to clear the cache. In doing so, I guess it wiped out the login information for several sites I visit daily (here included) so I have been going site to site this morning, trying to remember passwords (if not in my password book) and doing some resets. Pain in the patootie! But maybe got some more down in case I forget in the future.

I did finish one good book this weekend, one of the review ones I need to complete, and it was really good. I already have another lined up that I have been waiting for, that I was approved to read for review. It may take me most of the week to get through it, as it is fairly lengthy. I know I have a couple other requests out there, but this would finish up my review reads for a bit.

Other than that, I will be trying to entertain myself today.


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