Monday, April 10

That List Won't Go Away

 You know what list I am talking about ... the one of things that you have to get done, and either keep pushing it off, or whatever. 

I had some problems getting to sleep again last night. Around 1am I decided to break the rules and took two of the sleeping pills (directions read only 1) and around 2am I actually started feeling tired. I was asleep probably within five minutes of laying down. Woke once around the time the Wife was leaving, and then was out until about 10am. I even slept through my 7am alarm. Maybe I should cut it back to like one and a half pills... will try again some night I can't get to sleep regularly.

So I am up around 10am, feeling like I wasted the day already. When I finish here I will be heading up to the UPS store (again) as they should have the Oldest Son's package there today. I started working on our taxes this morning using one of those online programs. I need some info I will have to get from the Wife, as she knows where she has the info stashed. Stashed? I meant "strategically stored in a safe place". In other words, I can't find it. Back to that probably tomorrow.

Saturday we took the Wife's blown-out tire and her vehicle up to the Discount Tire. After checking the rest of the tires, they said one other was looking in the "yellow zone" of needing replacement, so we went ahead and bought two tires. The ones we had on were Bridgestone (one of the more expensive, yet dependable brands) but they had none in stock for our tire size. When we asked what they did have, in order to get ours done, the price was a big difference. from $690 down to $360 (for two tires). Yeah. We went with the lower price. Then we went to Home Depoter and picked up the ceiling fan we are gonna use to replace the one in our room. I don't know when that will happen - I don't feel good about trying to do it on my own - between knees and back, working overhead, etc. May have to wait until one of the older Boys can come help.

Easter Sunday was okay. Wife went to church - was supposed to go with Middle Son, but he overslept I guess. I slept in until near 11am (after getting home from a friend's really early in the morning). Wife picked up some rotiserrie chicken from Winco on her way home for lunch. Just messed around the house the afternoon... then she made a pork roast for dinner (which was awesome) with potatoes. She did get me a head of lettuce so I had salad for lunch this week, and the chicken leftovers. Also got a big thing of flour tortillas, that the chicken will go onto nicely...burritos and salad.

Still need to take care of the abandoned title issue for the car. Need to email off to the Company again and let them know I am available. Grass still needs trimmed/mowed out front. Yeah, got plenty on that list to take care of, and it ain't getting done sitting here.


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