Sunday, March 17

Reasonable Update

After that last post... my MIL has passed. The Wife is Executioner of the estate.

That being said, she has 4 older brothers, and thankfully, there has been no contest of anything. The Wife received the house (deeded to her as rights of survivorship, set up back when my FIL was on his way to bad health). And the house is obviously not part of the "estate", and we decided we wanted to move there from our home. It's only about a 1/2 mile from us, mortgage-free, and larger. Plus it is the Wife's family home. A win-win.... though now I have to deal with clearing it out, then moving.

The rest of the estate is basically stuff that I don't care about. The brothers aren't voicing dissension about anything as of this point, and I don't expect them to, until financial things come up. Everything is pretty cut and dry, except money MIL had loaned out, with promise of repayment, now coming due. I'm sure those people may protest that... but not a point this week.

We have been going through the new home, unpacking and re-organizing the multitude of boxes that MIL and FIL had had in the house as storage. They were always collecting clothes/materials to distribute to the community churches that FIL had overseen. Though Dad had passed a few years ago, MIL had not gotten rid of much... so that falls to us, as we make room to move in. Much of it is clothing, which as we sort through it and organize, will be given to local charities such as the women's crisis center, etc. We are trying to stay away from Goodwill and other donation drop-offs as they make a profit, versus the non-profits. Though I am sure there will be a point that there are things we will have no place other than them to leave them at...or go to the dump.

Needless to say, between these events, and regular work, looking for a job, and just life in general, it has stretched me far and thin (though I haven't lost weight-damn!). I have a lower tolerance for my siblings (aside from other incidents that I may have posted about before... not sure). Reverend Mother I am sure prays every day for me (and the other siblings) but even my contact with her and PT has been limited due to us needing to get stuff done. RM knows this... and she'll read this and get reminded.

SO my days are full. And I am getting tired. Of everything. Too young to retire, and not enough monies to do so anyways.... sigh.


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