Tuesday, May 4

Ya Never Know ....

 ... which way I'ma gonna go.

Somehow I got through the day without a heart attack, or quitting my job, or a nap. Work started off good, then got switched off to yet another project, that they also did not have prepped for us. So there is much confusion, and questions, and people sitting around doing nothing - because of the disorganization. A week ago, I would, and probably was, saying how great this company is, but today? Maybe it is just a transition thing?

So while the normal work day is occurring, I get a call - no name, just a phone number. But I recognize it as the main number for the electric company here (APS), so I answered it. A recording comes on saying my power is scheduled for turn-off in the next 45 minutes, unless payment is received, and I can press '1' to talk to a service rep. So yeah, I press '1', asking the Wife, 'Aren't we current on APS?'... Some guy comes on, sounding harried, and "explains" that yes, a tech was enroute to shut off my power, in order to install a newer meter, but power won't be restored unless I paid a security deposit of $498.67, which would be refunded back to me in 60 days. WTF? I ask to speak to a manager. There is a pause, like 100 seconds, and a guy says this is the Billing Mgr (but it is the same guy's voice). Says I can stop the turn-off if I do a Zelle payment from my bank to the info he gives me. I'm writing all this down as we are going. I get to the part where it is a mobile number, and I look it up - it's for Florida. Why would ARIZONA electric company need a payment in Florida? I am freaking out at this point and just tell the guy, no way I'm making a payment like that. I'll call APS right now. Then hung up.

My blood pressure is sky-high at this point. Adrenaline is just ripping through me. I call APS, and within 15 secs have a live person on the line. I explain what just happened. Turns out it is a new scam that people are doing. She checked our account (no issues/calls since Jan 2019) and have been current at this address on bill payments since we started service here. I gave her the info that the call came in from APS' actual phone number, according to my cell. I also gave her the mobile number they wanted me to Zelle to - which they had not had. So maybe that will help catch these assholes faster. If the Wife and I weren't so uneasy using a payment service like that, and the situation that the scammer claimed.... I can only imagine how many people actually make that payment. Depressing. Especially when you hear about other mail and phone scams that get elderly people all the time.

By 4:30 I was done for the day. Off work. De-stressed after that damn scammer.

Then I went and signed up at a couple more sites to try to get more advanced copies of books. Hopefully something will happen there in the next few days. Can't ever have enough books. Especially since I am at 74 of my 150 goal this year. I think I need to raise it.

I think dinner, a shower, and some reading time is due....


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

wow. What a racket! I hadn't heard about that one so appreciate the heads up - will let hubby know. I had one from my bank last week - an email - claiming unusual activity. I didn't click the link, but went straight to my account and no, nothing was going on. I called the bank and got a disinterested person, and told the story. She checked and said, no, no one had been in my account but myself. These things irritate me to no end! Sorry you dealt with that - and yes, some people (hopefully not us) would have immediately done it because they don't want their power shut off.