Sunday, April 10

Crazy Saturday

 What a day Saturday was. Had a nice breakfast with RM, PT and the Wife. LAter in the afternoon, was supposed to go to a gender-reveal party for my neice, but the location changed at the last minute. I did not want to drive further, and had no desire to stand out in the sum/wind for a couple hours, so I did not go. I did end up at the VFW.

Driving home from the VFW, I was in a car accident. I believe I was NOT at fault, as I hjad a green arrow for the left turn. Unfortunately, my vehicle was flipped and is pretty much totaled. The Police have my license, and the car was impounded. I was taken by the ambulance to the hospital, but did not need care so went home. Tried to call the police to follow up and find out what they did with my license, and to get the inicident report info, but being a Sunday, they are closed. I may ask a friend to drive me there tomorrow to see what I can get done. Plus find out where my car is.

Then I need to call the insurance to give them the report number and details from my point of view, and find out what's next. Luckily I work from home and don't really need a car here, except is I need to go somewhere while the Wife is at work.

Alrighty. Wonderful times.


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