Friday, May 20

... and the Party is Over ....

I wonder how today is going to go. I say that with the sound of trepidation making resounding echoes. I got up this morning the same time as the Wife, and I went into the office to start my day. As the norm, I did my glucose count, then my blood pressure. Wait. That isn't right. My BP reading is usually higher. Did it again. Something still not right. I changed out the batteries. Third time is the charm right? Nope. By now the Wife is wondering what I am doing, and I explained that my BP reading was way lower than normal, and the cuff didn't seem to be inflating as much as it usually does.... something is not right. We did the wrist cuff monitor, and again, on the arm one. Twice more it was lower than normal. Wife said maybe it is accurate, and I just slept better and was better rested. I don't know, but I logged the last reading for the Doc, whom I will be seeing this afternoon.

The Youngest left for school. The Wife left for work. I splurged. I ran up the road to Wendy's and got a baconator breakfast meal. Usually I just have a granola bar for breakfast, but this morning, something more called out to me. So as I finish up my seasoned potatoes, and lick my fingers, I share this with you.

Weekend plans? I don't have any. Probably wait and see how I feel. After the Doc visit later today, I am sure he will up the dosage of my metformin (and I will be asking for an extended release type) so I am sure I will have the shits all weekend. This last week plus have not been terrible, dealing only a few days of this, instead of constant. Enough talking shit already.....


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