Monday, July 25

I Prolly Should ...

 I prolly should ... get started on the Youngest's school registration paperwork. His 'scheduled time' to be there is Thursday at 11am, which means we are going to be there for a couple hours I am sure. His is the last group of the day, and by then, the lines will be so backed from the school not organising the process as well as it should have. How does that happen every year, even though the school has been open for well over 35 years? I shouldn't complain too much, I guess. For most years of having to do the registration process, we have lucked out as the kids were in Band Camp, which started at 8am, and all band students were able to go first through the registraion, regardless of last name/school year. This year, Camp is only in the evenings, so it is not an option.

I prolly should ... go pick up my prescriptions today. I got a notification last week and went up on Friday. They only had 1 of the 4 there. The pharmacist looked up and saw that I was due three more on Monday, and suggested I just come back then to pick up all four, then the system will show it as all four due to be refilled on/by the same date, versus days apart. I will probably put it off until I run the Youngst to Camp, then head down the road to the store.

I prolly should ... send off an email to the Company, inquiring as to my status. I have not heard anything, whether un-pausing the current project, or re-assigning me to another one. I am taking a look at this service my buddy had mentioned to me. I have not made a decision for sure if I want to use it. Of course, it could provide job opportunites in between the current Company's projects. Or just a whole new Company to work for, doing the same line of work. I will have to figure out a yes/no soon I presume. Edit: I just joined the mailing list. I can always opt out of contacting any job offers.

I prolly should ... do something positive and constructive today. More than likely I will end up finishing this post, then distract myself by watching videos on FB or YouTube before turning my attention to playing Warcraft for most of the afternoon. It's just so uncomfortable to be outside trying to do anything. Granted, today it is actually supposed to be BELOW 100, but it is monsoon season, and right now the humidity is around 43%. Yeah, doesn't sound like much unless you are used to our regular dry heat. It is like walking around with a wet blanket around you when trying to do anything outside - even just walking into a store. Heck, I step outside to have a smoke, and I am dripping sweat when I come back in - just standing out by the front door.

I prolly should ... just close this off and go distract myself for a few hours.


1 comment:

Joe said...

Friday it was 98F with humidity at 91% here.