Friday, November 11

A Different Day

 Today is going to be a bit different. The Youngest is out of school (Veteran's Day) and the Wife came home sick yesterday afternoon. Last night her symptoms were cold-like, and she already knew she would not be attending work today. So She will be around the house today while I work. I'm not used to anyone being here when I am working, and I hope the distractions will be kept to a minimum. I have to jam out to my music while I work and we wouldn't want anyone in here trying to talk to me.....<smirk>

Not much else is going on. Looks like the project may possibly end soon, and I have not heard anything about keeping me on longer. It may be a few days early for that though.

I think I shall be playing Warcraft this evening. As of now, not in the mood to go have a couple beers - but that may chnage depending on how today goes...


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