Friday, January 6

First Friday

 I finally got to start in on the new project for the Company yesterday. About halfway through the day, the Manager pulled me into chat. Seems he felt the need to tell me there were 89 files that I had not completed correctly. When I asked what exactly he meant, he proceeded to tell me that I had not provided a note in the comment area of each as to what the file contained. I explained back that there was a confusion to that as to what was told through their guidelines, and specifically pointed it out to him. He wasn't happy with me. I don't think this guy is happy at all anyways. He closed out our conversation with asking me if I knew how to self-validate my work, which I said yes. He says "Then do it!" and leaves.

What a jerk!

The projects I have been working on while at this company have been data breach incidents, what we call Cyber Incident Response. This project has that, AND Confident Business Information, which is where I have been assigned. I determined this project has been at this company now since at least October, so all their protocol guidelines are out of date. They provided no training for this CBI area of work I have never done. And when I am accused of not doing the job right, of course I'm telling them what I think. So at this point, I am debating writing an email to those over this butthead's head, and asking to either be moved to a section of the project that I know the work, or move to another project completely. Or I may try to stick it out, as in the meeting they said they would be pulling people with certain skills to other aspects of the project. I hope it is soon, and that I am one of them.

Since yesterday was a shitshow, I went and had a few drinks last night. I have been doing pretty good at cutting back lately, and this morning it shows. I slept through several alarms set for the 6-7 range. Well, some I woke to, and reset for a later time. I finally drug my ass out of bed because the dog was barking like crazy. I checked the door and they were getting ready to spray paint the house next door, and asked if I wanted to move my car (yes). So now I am supposed to working hard, but find myself only half-hearted in the attempt at a workday.

Oh. Joy.


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