Sunday, February 5

A No-Football Sunday

 I'm at a bit of a loss this morning. I had spent what seemed quite a bit of the night trying to fall asleep, when at 6:55AM my phone alarm goes off. What? I didn't set the alarm last night? And why is it set for such a weird time? I don't know, but it was, it did, and I laid there in bed all of two minutes, knowing that I was not going back to sleep. Sigh. So it was "up and at 'em" even if I am still a bit groggy.

The leg has gotten much better. Still a bit sensitive to the touch, but not in a painful way. I am marking it as 'healed up' and moving on. My mental fog I have been working through actually feels somewhat better as well. I wonder if it is the lack of stress helping that out, or me just working on things and straightening that mental closet. I don't know, but hopefully within the next week I will feel better enough to get back into the work habit.

I woke, and when I got around to writing here this morning, I figured it was a no-football Sunday, meaning no games until the Superflush next week. Well, I was wrong. While I ate a couple bites of breakfast, I realized that the Pro Bowl is today. Not that I care at all. I will have to text out to the buddies and see if they are meeting up to watch. We didn't discuss it last week, concentrating on details for SB next week.

Middle Son stopped by yesterday for literally a quick moment. Last weekend he had gone down to Tucson to visit his Sister and family. I guess she sent him home with some leftover broccoli and cheese soup (YUCK!) for the Wife, so he stopped yesterday and dropped it off. When the Wife was mentioning this to me, I started to interrupt her to remind him that he and his brother both have packages here. I guess she says she did tell him, and he mentioned he would back 'in the next couple days' to get them. I'm hoping it is not today if I decide to meet up with the buddies as I would like to see him.

So as you see, I have really exciting stuff going on, and I guess I should get to the bathroom and get all gussied up for my day.


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