Tuesday, April 18

Feeling Awesome

 I got stuff done yesterday. I placed that call to the MVD about the Son's title issue. They had me send an email to yet another department, explaining the events of the situation, and providing them all the necessary information. Got that email sent out. I got our taxes filed online, finally, since the Wife had finally gotten me the information I needed to complete them. It is nice to know we will be getting a small sum back as a refund - always better than paying more! Then I took a trip out to the Discount Grocery. I was specifically looking for some nutrient drinks (like Ensure) as the Wife likes them for breakfast, and she also asked to keep my eyes open for any caramel-flavored keurig cups of coffee. Neither was to be found there, but I did find some good sales on some items, which I did get, and I did get some sodas for all of us (plus some snack foods I probably should not have gotten).

Since I was further west in the Valley than usual, I went to check out a bar some old friends of mine own. It was just a couple more miles down the road. It was a nice place - average prices. I had a couple beers, contacted my brother, since he lived only about a mile away, but he couldn't meet up as he had an appointment to go to. Then I thought, well RM's isn't that far from here, so I called her up and went over to visit for a bit.

I wasn't expecting presents, but RM presented me with some small packages of jerky, and before I left, a large bag of walnuts. I like walnuts - well, pretty much all nuts except almonds. Was always a Mounds bar guy. I visited a little longer than I meant to, but I think RM & PT enjoyed it. It had been awhile since we had seen each other in person. RM wrote this morning she had enjoyed it, so I must have done something right!

While I was out the store earlier, the Wife had texted about needing to know where she could get a money order, or a cashiers check. The bank was out, as by the time she got off work they would be closed. I mentioned the Circle K's should do them, and I looked up that the popular grocery chain, Fry's Food (Kroger), does them until 10 at the one near our house. Leaving RM's I asked her if it would help if I got it for her, so she sent me the amount and all. I picked one up on the way to my regular pub. I messaged the Wife to let her know I got, she replied thank you, and because I was feeling cheeky, I said " I know you really meant to say Ralph(d00d) you are awesome". And so she did reply I was AMAZINGLY awesome. After reading a bit, and a couple beers, I decided I wanted pizza for dinner, so texted the Wife and asked if that was okay with her, that I picked up pizza - because I am amazing like that - and she agreed (so she wouldn't have to cook).

So, aside from the fact that I am awesome, it was a pretty good day. I don't think I will be able to do better today. My to-do list has been shortened to a smaller size, mostly of things I can set aside for now. I think maybe I'll play some Warcraft for a bit, and see if Netflix has anything I feel like watching movie-wise.


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