Monday, September 25

What To Do Now?

 It is another early morning for me. I had the alarm set for 6am, but thanks to the Damn Cat (aka Crack Kitty, and the One I Want to Die) woke me but evidently shaking his water covered fur-face on the bed. Of course, it startled me awake thinking he had sprayed on me... The Wife verified it was only water though. But now I am wide awake. Is it bad I think I want to see him die? Maybe. But he is around 16-17 years old, and since Daisy, our dog, had passed this last year or so, he has lost a lot of weight, and has begun to just crap/pee wherever he feels like it in the house. Yeah, so he is old, but that doesn't give him the right to just empty the old body wherever he feels like it! Thankfully, we have tile floors throughout, so easier to clean up (which we shouldn't have to do) except when he does it in other places (laundry baskets, on the bed, etc). It is very frustrating at times. And the two younger cats? As long as they don't pick up these bad habits, they will be okay, and allowed to live.

So nothing new from the Company since last week. I may be sitting here twiddling my thumbs for a bit ....

Youngest has Homecoming this week. There is a 'movie showing' today after school that he wanted to stay for, and spend time with his girlfriend. Of course, he has practices on Tuesday and Thursday, then the game on Friday. Saturday ends the HC week with the dance that he is planning to attend as well. I believe it is his first dance ever.

The Eldest, and only Daughter, is celebrating her birthday this week. She is that ripe age of 20 years younger than myself. I like to tease her about it, but she is smart (like her Mother) and usually turns it back on me. I'll have to look and see if I can find something on Amazon she could use and have it sent hopefully in time for her birthday.

Thankfully the weather has seemed to finally cooled off. Enough that we are not having 100+ degree temps anymore. This last week has been nice to be outside, and remember what it looks/feels like.

I'm all caught up on my books for review list. I guess since I am up so early, I will start browsing the sites and requesting anything that sounds good. I did load up the tablet with about 20 books the other day. Most this time around are stand-alone novels, though I have been collecting some series that will be added in next time around. 

I suppose I should close this off. I do have some time to play games today, apparently, so at some point I will be on Warcraft, and the viking game I have been playing. It really sucks being bored....


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