Monday, May 27

Memorial Day 2024

 No fancy post title today. It is Memorial Day, a day many people have off from work and/or school, even though many just celebrate it with family and barbecues, without knowing the reason for this day. Friday night, I asked the Youngest if he wanted to get up early, go with me, and help put flags on veteran's graves at the cemetery near the Post. Surprisingly, he agreed. So about 6:30am we were off to the cemetery. We did a couple sections, though quite a bit of walking for me. Estimated just between the two of us, we put out about 65 flags within the hour. At that point, most of the cemetery was covered, as we had a couple school ROTC groups, a Boy Scout troop, and a few other volunteers there helping as well. I was surprised to see only 2 others there from the Post, and definitely felt a bit sad about there not being others there from he VFW to help. I mean, if I can get my butt out there, walking around with a cane and doing it, why cannot they? I know, there may be other things going on in other's lives.... but still. Youngest and I finished off the morning by going to the Post for the free breakfast (open to the public), then it was home.

I was hurting by the time we got home. Muscles had started to let me know I used them, and they weren't used to it. I took a couple acetaminophens and laid down. Ended up napping a couple hours. Went back up to the Post for Saturday festivities that afternoon. Nothing exciting. Sunday was spent resting as I was still sore. Was going to take the family out to dinner, but Youngest said he didn't feel like going out to eat", so the Wife and I went to Seafood Harbor. They have a cucumber & onion salad I love, plus it is buffet, and I was craving salad. I did have some meats, but mostly stuck to the two salads. Spent the rest of the evening messing around on the computer.

Last week I had gotten an email from the company about a project hoping to start Tuesday. Saturday they followed up with they hope to have word out Monday, but Tuesday at the latest. The Oldest Son's girlfriend got the same letter, though she has never worked for this company before, or done similar work. She ahs the Son texting me questions about the job, and I'm starting to get frustrated with her. Why not just call me? Faster than trying to type answers/questions, and faster than going through the Son. Sigh, not my business. I will sending her an email her after this post, that contains more information for her. She is worried about not "getting the programs on the computer" that she will need for the job, even though I explained you work from a virtual desktop, that has all the programs needed. I'm beginning to wonder if she just doesn't grasp the idea. I probably shouldn't say that, but it is true. So here is to hoping to hear something, though at this time, it will probably be tomorrow before I do. Project is supposed to last approximately 4 months ....

Not sure what I am doing after I finish up here at the computer. Can't remember if the Post is open today, though they did do a flag raising this morning (and no, I didn't go).


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