Friday, June 28

End of the Week

 I had some pretty big plans for this weekend. Earlier this week, I had noticed the Ringling Broos circus was going to be performing here in the Valley, and thought I would see if we could take Doodad. Being it is her first circus, we invited the parents if they wanted to go, to share the first experience, as we don't want to take that away from them. Last night, we touched base, and today I was supposed to get tickets ordered for the five of us. I'm an idiot. The circus isn't here until next weekend. I texted the Daughter and admitted my mistake, and we could all just hold up a couple days to re-make our decisions. Mainly because they were going to drive up from Tucson. Hopefully, things will still work out for next weekend, so we will see.

Have not heard anything from the Company this week at all, even after being told there would possibly be a project that would open this week, since so many were pulled off the other project. I don't know. Come Monday, another email will go out from me about being available.

Think I am going to head up to the Post this afternoon. I know a few of the people that hang there on Friday afternoons, and we all have a good time laughing and funning. Maybe get some more reading time in. I am just starting Clive Cussler's Dirk Pitt series (around 20 books in all).


Monday, June 24

And It Just Piles on ...

 Friday, whilst working away as the diligent worker ant that I am, our Team Leads notified us that Upper Management had decided (or made the call to) reduce the number of people we had on this project. They had no idea who, or how many, but we would be notified via personal email over the course of the weekend, if we were being removed from the project. On the plus side, they said this next week there was a possible other project starting, and for us to be sure the recruiting department knew if we were available.

I got my email Friday evening I was being removed. This was supposed to be a 4-month long project, and I only worked it for 4 weeks. Sigh. I sent recruitment notice I was available, and now I sit here waiting tomorrow to see if anything new comes along.

Saturday I never made it to White Castle. By 11am, I was thinking 30 minutes was too long of a drive just for fast food (and I was feeling peckish by then). The Youngest agreed, and we ended up going to Red Robin for lunch. We had a nice talk about plans he is thinking on regarding the job search, and getting his license. Then it was of to the Post....

I arrived at the Post about 2pm, only to find out that the power had gone out just minutes before my arrival. Over the next hour, they found out it was a huge power-out, and would not be restored until estimated 4:30 pm. By just before 3pm, it was extended to 5:30pm. What really stunk, they were having a weeding/reception in the hall, of two of the Post leadership (one's son, one's daughter). So I decided to leave as it was hot with no AC. I didn't get about a 1/4 mile up the road, and see the signal light go from blinking red, to steady green. I figured power had come back on early, but I was already going somewhere else. I did head back around 6pm, and was informed the power had come back on around 3pm. OF course, again, I didn't win the money raffle.

No plans this week really, since I am waiting for the Company to figure out what they are going to do.


Saturday, June 22

Doing A Run ....

 Saturday is here, and the Wife isn't. She left this morning to drive out to Mesa for some continuing education class that is free to take but only today. She'll be gone most of the day I reckon. We spent a good half hour or more last night trying to find the best route for her to take, as there are some freeway closures. I think I got her situated with a route that was about 8 miles longer, but would involve less changing of freeways, and probably keep her out of most of the detoured routed from the closures. I remember not so long ago driving that distance just to get to work... glad I don't have to anymore.

So no Wife means I get to make my own lunch plans. I talked with Youngest last night, and I think we are going to do a food run - to White Castle! There's one out on the east side of Scottsdale, maybe 30 minutes from home. I have never been there (no clue except I think it is far to drive for food) but feel the craving for them sliders yesterday. Might get a couple cases (for lunch this week) and a go-bag to have on the way home. Youngest seemed kinda excited to go as well. I think the last time he tried them, he did like them.

Welp, I'm feeling a little tired yet this morning so I may go lay back down for a bit.


Thursday, June 20

I Can see, I Can See, I Can See I'm Going Blind

 This morning was my annual diabetic eye check-up. I really don't care for having to do this each year, as I hate the drops they put in the eyes. I took today off from work as I figured after the dilation, I wouldn't be able to read for a few hours (computer work) and I'm pretty correct. It's hard to just get a few things here for me. But I did get the A-OK from the doc, and my next appointment is for next year.

Rest of the day is free time. I need to pick up a prescription, and then  will probably head to the post for a bit. Glad I have sunglasses.


Tuesday, June 18

Tuesday is a Reset Day

 Mondays are so .... blah. I think it is the mindset of having to return to work after a couple days off, at least for many of us that just makes it feel yucky. World of Warcraft, that I play, does it's weekly maintenance and resets many functions in the game on Tuesdays. As a rule, on Tuesdays I usually feel more set in the work routine (as I do today) so I think it is kind of the same as being 'reset'.

My plans regarding this Saturday (lunch with RM) have been confirmed that it is a no-go. Which is fine, I'll just have to figure out another Saturday I know I am free to set it up, and she is free as well. Hopefully not too far off in the future. I had mentioned about finding a place that has salads I like, and I think I might have found a new place. It's called Salad World at 83rd Av/Cactus. For about $10 you can build your own salad, and they have a nice list of options of veggies and proteins to choose from. There are a few pre-made salad options that range up to $15, but I may have to try this place out sometime soon.

I'm still craving salad daily. Sigh. Now it just got worse.

Welp, I really don't have much to offer up today. Working until about 4pm, then no idea what my plans are.... maybe the pub for a couple beers and a few chapters in the book.


Monday, June 17

Mondays Drag ...

 It's only two o'clock on a Monday afternoon, I'm supposed to be working, but am taking a few minutes to break from the monotony of the documents. This weekend was just like most weekends. Saturday at the Post (didn't win again on the raffle). Sunday was Father's Day, but nothing special happened. Took the Wife to Red Robin for lunch (I wanted the bottomless house salad - ate 4 plates worth). In the afternoon the Daughter sent a pic and a text. I decided to go up to the pub for a bit. The Oldest Son called and we talked a few. After getting back home that evening, the Middle Son texted, and finally the Youngest told me HFD. The Wife had to get some cat food, and did some other shopping. Ended up getting me a nice polo shirt, a couple beef sticks, and a hat that says "Sarcasm is how I hug'.

But it is Monday, so back to the grind. I am taking Thursday off this week. Late Friday I got a confirmation text for my yearly Diabetic Eye Screening. I was thinking it was going to be in July, but no. Since they will be dilating my eyes, and adding other stuff in the mix as well, I would not be able to read a computer screen well. Friday it will all be cleared up to normal and I will resume work.

The Wife has some free class hours to do this Saturday, for education towards her license renewal. I thought maybe I could get RM out for a lunch, but haven't confirmed as of yet. I have been trying to find a place not far for either of us to drive to meet at, that has some salad options I would consider. Most restaurants put too much other crap into a salad I don't want. I suppose I should check with her int he next couple days to see if her Saturday is free.

Welp, I wasted some time, and I have been jumping back and forth between writing here and doing some work. Guess I should finish out this and the two hours of work time left.


Wednesday, June 12

This Will Be Weird ....

 The Wife is off from work for the rest of the week. Originally awhile back she had put in for Thursday and Friday, just to have some days off as it had been quite some time since her last vacation day. I guess her boss said she could have today off as well. Still, I was up at 7am and working this morning. She slept in until around 8am. Then she comes to tell me bye...said she had some 'running to do'... which is code for shopping I am sure. I said okay, and asked her to bring me home a cold soda whenever she gets back. So at some point, I'll have a cold drink today.

Work is going smoothly, for work. They are talking about bringing in another 50 people to this project, and still expect it to last the +/- 4 months. That's good, I guess. As long as I am working I don't care.

With the Wife off the next few days, I have no idea what will be going on. I guess my regular routines will be adjusted depending on what she has going on.


Monday, June 10

On to Something Different ....

 I slept good last night, so was able to get up at the early time of 5:15am to get started on the workday. I like that I can start early and finish early, and not be stuck to a set time frame. So I log-in to get started and have a note in Teams for all of us that they are shifting all but 10 of us to a different phase of the project. I had been expecting this, so not surprised. After about an hour and half, they posted a list of who was moving to the other phase - I was one of them. No big deal. But, I had to log off until 8am when there is a meeting planned to update on the specifics for this new phase. I won't be getting 8 hours today, because I had to lose 1.5 waiting on them. I could make it up, but I just don't care to do so.

That being said, I just saw an email come from the Company. Checked and it is the Teams meeting invite for 8am. I guess I should close this off, get my restroom break in, maybe have a cigarette, then log back in and get set up.


Sunday, June 9

Surprises Galore!

 Friday evening brought a text in from the Daughter. They were coming up from Tucson to do the Sea Life Aquarium over at Arizona Mills Mall (one of the few left in the valley - malls that is). The Wife and I said yes, and we went to meet them about 11am. Due to a traffic event just north of Tucson, they were almost 45 mins late, but we still had a great time going through the aquarium. Now I am not much for these kind of things, and I don't like to do a lot of walking, but the joy of watching Doodad get all excited over some of the fish/animals she saw well was worth it.

We spent a good two hours going through the aquarium, then they invited us to lunch to a place the SIL really liked. Called 'Cornish Pasty Co' and it is sort of British-based as the menu is meat pies - so many different ones! I settled for an Italian, with the meats wrapped in nice crust with a marinara dipping sauce. I did manage to clean my plate, but it was VERY filling. Whilst waiting for the dessert, the kids gave the Wife and I presents. A late Mother's Day for her and an early Fathers Day for me. Both were T-shirts the Daughter had made.

I was a bit slow, thinking at first it was hand prints of Doodad over the past years (she's 7). Then saw the years on the hands didn't seem right. Oh, those are the birth years of my kids, and Doodad....but the last one 2025 is off as it is only 2024. Then I saw the writing. I admit it, I cried. The kids are expecting a second child in late January, so I'm going to be a Papaw again. I don't have a pic of the Wife's shirt, but it was similar in fashion, using a heart design. We both are excited.

After the events of the day, by the time I made it to the Post yesterday, I was just drained. I didn't win the $16.4k int he drawing, but I did win $57 in pull-tabs. Today will be a day of rest for me, and mental prep for tomorrow to return to work. This portion of the project was supposed to last only 2 weeks, but we are over that now, and not sure how much more before they move us on to something else. All I know, this whole thing better last the four months they said it would.....

Guess that's all I got now.


Friday, June 7

Weekly Wrap-up

 Friday has come around again, and I am avoiding the whole work thing for a few minutes just to put something in here. Anything exciting happen this last week? Nope. Just a week of work, and finished up maybe 3-4 books. Anything exciting planned for the weekend? Nope. Maybe the Post on Saturday, but no other plans that I know of - unless the Wife has something she hasn't told me yet.

The last couple of weeks have had me craving salads. No idea as to why. Last week, the Wife and I ended up at Seafood Harbor (a Chinese buffet) as I was craving their cucumber, onion, tomato salad (it is REALLY good) as well as helping myself to two plates of regular salad with some toppings. Over the past  weekend, the Wife had picked up a bag of salad pre-mixed, and a couple of the sealed salad bowls. The last of which just got finished about 30 minutes ago. Sigh. And still I crave. Guess after work I may have to go the grocery. Or if I wait, maybe we can do lunch at Red Robin tomorrow - they have an unlimited salad there, and their Italian dressing is really good.

Adjusting to getting back to work has been going well. I have started trying to get to bed by 9'ish most nights, so it is easier to get up early to start work. Though I have until 9am (my time) to actually start, I can start as early as 5am. Which is about when the bladder wakes me to be released anyways.... except this morning. I had no desire to get out of  bed until 8:45am. Which means I am working until 5pm ( to complete the 8 hours).Sigh.

Welp, got nothin' else to add ....


Wednesday, June 5

Some "New" Family

After work yesterday I went out to the pub. It is always nice (to me) to have a couple beers and read my book(s) for a few hours. I wrapped up around 7'ish, and before heading home, I sent a text to my brother. Monday, he had driven up north and brought home two of his grandkids, that were in foster care. Long story there, and I don't want to get into it, and all that crap. Bottom line is he and his wife are working on guardianship of the two kids, blah blah blah. 

Anyways, I asked about coming over, as the youngest (about 8 months old) I had never met (seen). So I went and visited. The visit was only a couple hours long, as he and I talked about the things going on about the grandkids, and just sort of catching up. It had been awhile since I last saw my brother.... Overall, I think I was pretty polite and cordial to his wife. Though, I admit I avoided having any conversation with her, or acknowledging anything she said, whenever she butted into our conversation. I got at least a fist-bump from the niece (4 1/2 yrs old) as she went to bed. The nephew, I didn't get to hold/see as he was already asleep when I got there, and didn't wake before I left. Though, my brother did show me a couple pics of him.

Welp, I don't really have anything of note to say today (go figure) and I should be working anyways....


Tuesday, June 4

Falling Apart: A Story of My Body

 I sort of did a 'body check' on myself last night. Not like, physically looking over my body, though there was a little bit of that. More like, making note of things that ache, or hurt, or are not in the condition it should be, or not working the way it is supposed to do so. I debated actually writing it all down, and presenting to the Nurse Practitioner at my August visit, but that is never going to happen. I have enough issues with her that I am not happy about, and just adding to the "list" of things she wants me to do with these other body failings.... I ain't got the time nor patience.

My knees and back have always been painful for me. I am sure mostly due to my weight over the past 20 or so years. Yeah, I'm fat. But I add to the injuries with the work comp injury to my back several years ago. Those discs are never going to be normal again. The knees? Imagine being 6+ years old, and riding bikes, doing jumps, and other crazy stuff we did as kids back then. Think of the accidents, and the knee injuries.... I remember one time wrecking the bike, and actually pulling rocks out of the front of my knees. Even the Wife has noticed that the cartilage for my knees is pretty much gone nowadays. I use a cane for balance, as the worse of the knees tends to want to 'slip' once in a great awhile, which usually ends me falling.

The new ache/pain is the right heel. I noticed several months ago, that walking or standing caused some aching in the Achilles tendon area. I guessed I had hit the back of my foot against something, and probably bruised it a bit. But it continued for months now. Actually looking at it last night, I noticed it does not look like the left one. At the area just above where a shoe protects the back of the foot, it is indented. So I must have 'banged' it and stressed the tendon. The Wife ( a PT) says there is probably some damage to it, but only time will fix it. So definitely not telling the NP.

There are other medical things that make the list: diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver issues, and if I believe the NP (which I don't) cardiology issues (heart murmur I have had since birth). Sigh. Why do I put bother making this list? It's depressing. I'm already doing what I can to fix as much of the wrong things as I can....

Middle Son came over this morning. He has laundry to do, and the machine in his apartment is broken. Maintenance is backed-up as many units there have broken machines. Guess the Apt Mgmt bought crappy machines to put in the units. So the Son brings his laundry here. I don't complain as it at least gives me a chance to see he is doing fine and kinda catch up a little. Wish Oldest would check in more. I did call him last night. In trying to help his GF get a job, I had her apply at my Company. Well, last week she got onto a project, but decided she could not handle the work (too advanced) and was going to quit. I told her to contact the manager and inquire about training (or videos) to help her understand the program we use. Well, I guess she didn't, and she just quit. I called him last night to find that out. She couldn't even tell me she had just quit. Sigh. OPC (Other Peoples Children) right?

Welp, this has got to be one of the longer posts I have written in awhile. Kept ya from being bored a little longer, I'd say.


Monday, June 3

Rest-Up Weekend

 This past weekend was one for resting. By the end of work on Friday, I was mentally exhausted. Returning to work, and the readjustment to it all after five months off was a bit taxing. This morning I am up early (thanks Honey for the snoring) and figured I should get to work - early on is early off, so here I am logged in at 5:30am, and taking a few minutes here.

Went to the Post on Saturday, but didn't win the draw. No one did so it rolls, and now is over $16K. Sunday just putted around the house. Needed to change out a hose bib in the back yard, but only had channel locks, which didn't work. Looks like I need to get over to Lowes and get maybe a plumbers wrench or a larger adjustable one. That bib looks like it has been on for quite a number of years, and with the hard water out here, has some crust build-up.

Welp, it'll be a full work week for awhile, so I supposed I should get started and get used to it.
