Monday, July 1

Weekly Restart

 Monday has rolled around again, and here I am awake to bring it in at midnight. Well, I was, though I tossed around in bed for an hour, then came into the office, putzed around downloading some ebooks, and now am getting around to writing in here since nothing is making me tired enough to return to bed. Shortly, I will be sending the weekly email to the Company to inform them I am *still* available for Project work, should they only reach out to me. Maybe something will happen this week.

Little things going on, to start off the second half of the year...

- My reading list for the year. I caught up on a couple reviews of eARCs I have read recently, and I see I have read 186 books towards my 200 for the year goal. Halfway through the year and I am already at 93% of my goal. That means WAY too much idle time (not working, thanks Company).

- Yesterday I bought the tickets for the Ringling Bros circus which will be in town next weekend. They are in the 'nosebleed seats' but were cheaper that the lower ones. I did still manage to get center arena though, so we will be able to see all three stages across the floor for the shows. I'm getting a bit excited to take Doodad, and I hope she really enjoys it. There will be cotton candy bought, and maybe some souvenirs if I know myself. Depending on plans they have, we may have dinner that night as well. Be a good time to maybe get the Sons out with us all as well.

- I'm going to send off an email to RM this morning I think. I believe it is time for another quarterly 'meeting' where she and I go to lunch or breakfast and catch-up on things. I'll have to let her know what Saturdays I have things going on, and she will have to write back and let me know hers. I am pretty sure we can find a weekend soon to sit down. So check you emails, RM!

- I noticed my 'movie list' in my notebook has grown quite a bit lately. I kind of not like sitting for a couple hours to watch a movie, but yet, I like to watch movies every now and then. I guess I haven't been watching as much lately. Might be from me trying to keep up on episodes of shows I watch. Or I have been gaming more, but we know it ain't from working! Can you tell I'm a bit bitter about that right now?

Welp, I should wrap this up. Got emails to send after all, and maybe a movie, if it will help put me to sleep.


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