Tuesday, September 10

Getting Older

 I am sure I have several posts with this same title, and I am sure I felt the age (whatever year it was) that I did at that particular time. This year is no different, and again, I overdid it celebrating my birthday. Friday I never did make it to any restaurant for a free bday meal. Instead I was at the Post for much of the duration of the afternoon and evening. Saturday was my regular meet n' greet, which went fairly well. I ended up at the Post again, then got a ride to another pub, before taking a Lyft back to my car then home. Sunday was Football, and I meet a friend I hadn't seen in about a year. We watched the afternoon game and caught up, then I took the Wife and Youngest to Olive Garden for dinner. I was craving salad. Youngest drove, because, well, I had had a few. Monday morning found me literally hurting. Due to not taking better care of myself over the weekend, I was a bit dehydrated, thus was getting leg/muscle cramps all day, as well as just feeling nauseous. I did not do much. This morning I am feeling a bit better. I will still take it fairly easy today though.

Not much on my plate to accomplish today. A couple meds need to be picked up. Aux meeting tonight I should attend. Might go to the store and pick up a couple things I know I would like to have, and probably Youngest would like as well.

I know, nothing exciting when in recovery mode....


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