Wednesday, December 25

Christmas day 2024

 Heck, it is here, and I'm posting early. Mainly because the Wife has the bed covered with crap she has to wrap for tomorrow (today) and I can't lay down to go to sleep. And I thought insomnia was bad...

Tomorrow, I learned tonight, we are going to the Middle Son's place to do our "celebration" and exchanges. I love that he and his partner have opened their domicile for this to happen. I'm excited to see ALL my children in one place!!!

It sucks, sorta that We have to wait until Saturday to do the same at my parents, but they were nice enough to not rush us for time, and we get that much more time with them as well.

So now I am killing time, waiting for the Wife to get done wrapping, so I can go to sleep. IF I can, cause this damn insomnia. I have had friends tell me I should look into edibles, those (for lack of better words) pot-infused gummies. I gave $20 to a girl that goes regularly, and am supposed to pick them up Friday. Yes, in AZ I can buy my own, but.... I asked her. Curious if they work well. There might me a My Chart note to the NP that I found something that actually works, so quit that 'scrip on that shit that don't work... just saying.

And with that...

Hope you ALL have a MERRY CHRISTMAS (or whatever you wanna call it)....


Sunday, December 22

Pre-Christmas Sunday

 Hmmmm, looks like a boring day (post).

It is the Sunday before Christmas, and all my shopping is done. I'd gone by Fry's (Kroger) and did the gift card purchases, and batteries for another gift. Would you believe it is $5.99 for 2 D-size batteries?!? I was griping out loud about that one.... But shopping for me is pretty much done. The last amazon package came in last night, and as far as I am concerned, it's down to wrapping. Which is NOT my thing....

Sigh. I am bored. Don't feel like playing games on the computer. Don't feel like reading. Don't feel like laying in bed trying to sleep - Oh wait, I do that every night anyways.

I guess that makes this a short post.


Friday, December 20

Another Day of Santa-ing

 Today is the last day of doing Santa gigs I have this year. Today's is at the Wife's work facility, covering the LTC residents Christmas lunch hour. They will be receiving gifts purchased by their 'adopted' nurses and staff. I know the Wife had a couple of residents she got gifts for, and one of the two is a smart guy. He asked for a Washington Commanders So that will be an hour or so of volunteer time I put in mid-day. Afterwards, I may head down to the Post. Tonight they are having a country band, plus a pulled pork sandwich dinner with cowboy beans, slaw and a dessert for ten bucks.

I logged into FB yesterday, and had a message about a Meta ad account payment, attached to my FB Account. Now Meta runs FB, so I'm thinking it is some new fangled stuff to get businesses to use FB. So I go to check it out, and it is something someone added to my account, with a Visa card listed for payment (not mine) with some address situated in Colorado (just City and state listed). I couldn't find any owner names, nor a way to disable, at that time. This morning, I had two messages regarding that account. I spent a good half hour trying to find a help topic to delete these accounts, finally finding the info to disable them. Hopefully that will stop it. Weird things going on FB - I may have to shut down my account.

Yesterday I did not feel well. I was supposed to run to Lowes and check about pricing for a tree the Wife wants, and also a new fridge. I felt so bad, I spent most of the day in bed though. I feel better today, and may do that instead of the Post this afternoon, but I don't know.

Still have a few last minute things to get for Christmas, but it is a one stop thing, so am pretty much done - except for wrapping. Confirmed time/date for meeting at RM's with my kids and families. Already ready for this holiday to be over....


Wednesday, December 18

Busy Day in the Looks

 It id only Wednesday, and already I feel I am going to be busy. I have the Santa gig around 630p, and at some point today, I need to type up the minutes from our VFW Riders meeting (I'm the Secretary). Which means I need to go back and read my chicken scritches from Sunday and try to remember my abbreviations, etc. Then add some new members to the email role and send out the minutes, hoping no one sends back corrections to be made.

I finally finished off the White Castle sandwiches we got on Monday. I think I won't be having a craving for them for quite awhile now. They are definitely something I prefer freshly made, as popping the cold ones in the microwave just seemed to make the feel soggier. And yes, the Wife has not been happy with my farts for the past two days, but that should clear up today (well, from the sliders anyways).

Friday is my last Santa gig, which will be at the Wife's work place. IF it is like last year, I just sit there pretty much through the LTC's lunch and gift receiving, then smile and say stuff to the residents as they leave for their rooms. Many of them that can recognize Santa do smile, and at least it helps brighten some of their holiday (I hope).

I have heard back from a couple of the kids in regards to planning Christmas at RM's house. Due to work schedules, and living in other cities, it looks like we will be planning for the 28th, if that works for RM. I will be in contact with her a bit later this morning, as I don't have my phone on me right now, and I want to verify the text msgs I have received. The Wife mentioned in our family chat, that we are still planning on our immediate family Christmas on the 25th, just waiting verification from the kids on that as well. Thankfully, with RM's offer to do dinner on a separate day, ahs eased up the time constraints my family would have on trying to do everything on one day.

With that, it is almost 5am, and I can feel those sliders wanting to leave, so need to head to the Reading Room, or Gaming room, since I usually just play games on the tablet while in there.... I know, TMI.


Monday, December 16

Need Some New Drugs

 I'm really not happy with this new drug that is supposed to "help with my insomnia". I've been on it about a month now, and it only helps maybe 1/3 of the time in sleeping. All the other times, it brings me awake after two hours of sleep, wide awake, or doesn't help at all. Add in the balance issues I am having (though minor) because a side-effect is 'clumsiness'. I may just self-medicate myself off that crap....

Saturday was the 6th annual Santa Run I participate in each year. Oldest Son was able to attend this year as well, so my evening went well. Enough made it that I was able to recover the cost of the bus (and driver tip). Sunday morning, though hung-over, I still made it to the Riders meeting at the Post. Then spent the rest of the day watching football.

This morning, Youngest drove us out to Scottsdale, as we had an appointment with the SSA (to get a replacement card for Youngest). I brought out tax forms, birth certificate and whatever else they may need to verify, and in the end, they just looked at his drivers permit, and we were out the door within five minutes. WTH did we have to do an appointment for that? Video chat his ID, and send the new card! Sigh. But, since we were already halfway across the Valley (in that direction) we went to White Castle, and I bought 2 (yes TWO) cases of sliders. One is in the fridge, and the other one is almost gone between the Youngest and I. Wife is gonna not be liking me tonight.....

Got a message this morning from the Jr Vice President of the Post, asking if I was available to be a Santa on Wednesday evening. I was like.... sure, but more info? So we finally touched base and talked. I show up and be Santa for about a half hour for an adopted unit for our post. Volunteer hours make us money! And I love to be Santa. Got the gig on Friday at the Wife's work this week too.

Okay, got nothing much else to share.


Monday, December 9

Time For a Drug Run

 I'm up a bit early today. Did the normal take the pill and in bed by around 10p, and slept until about a 530a, so not 8 hours, but a good 6 at least. I woke feeling ready to face the day, rather than groggy and tired from not sleeping well.

Today is a drug run day, meaning I need to get to Walgreens to pick up yet another prescription. I received a call about Wednesday of last week from Walgreens, it was automated of course, saying my regular prescriptions would be ready this week. Regular? I thought they all were, and I didn't have any "special" ones... I don't know. I know Friday I received a text that one of the seven prescriptions was ready, and that one I will pick up today. I need to ask about another, as I am down to only 4 pills, as to when it will be ready. Then I'm going to ask about getting them all scheduled for one day to pick them all up versus this every week through the month thing. I used to have it that way, but with new 'scripts and getting them approved by insurance, etc, it has spread them all out again.

Weekend wasn't bad. I ended up Saturday at the Post, later than my usual, but still had a good time. Was requested to karaoke the Grinch song, and it went over well. Sunday was the Wife's birthday. I spent the afternoon lazily playing games on the computer. In the evening, I took her out to Texas Roadhouse, as we had some gift cards to use. The Wife and Youngest had left to pick up his girlfriend, and I was meeting them at the restaurant, and after putting in our names, realized I forgot the gift cards at home. Well, guess that means we got to go another time to use them. Oldest Son was able to join for dinner, though the other kids could not. It was good to catch up a bit with him and things going on in his life. I did let him know Christmas options, and he will have to get back to me.

This coming Saturday is the 6th Annual Santa Run that my buddy and I started. Oldest Son is looking forward to it (he is one of the originals from the start) as we get to share some time together. I pretty much organized the whole thing this year, as my buddy had other things going on. Which means I paid for the party bus we will use for transportation. So I am hoping (and by my approximate count) we get at least 15 guys this year (I estimate about 18 from 'verbal yeses') so that will cover the cost. Anything above the cost will be driver tip, and extra shot round for the Santas. I may even pocket a small cost for the candy canes that we give out as well (I buy them each year and am never reimbursed). So, I'm a little nervous about this getting started and collecting the monies.

Guess that is all I got to share this morning....


Friday, December 6

Empty Thoughts ....

 It is Friday once again, and here I am putting off what I really should be working on to get done today. Not that it is anything major. A good friend had asked for me to make my dessert for them, and added his father and brother also wanted, so being how it is Christmas and all, I said I would. Today is the day I said I would drop them off at his house. I did get up at a decent hour, went to the store, and bought the mixings for it all, I just need to actually make it now. I'm just .... delaying, and I don't know why.

Probably headed up to the VFW this afternoon. At our meetings earlier this week, I declined to volunteer and hours for Saturdays, giving the excuse I was busy each weekend. I sorta am. This weekend is the Wife's birthday, the following is the Santa Run. Either way, trying to stay out from the Post on Saturdays for this month anyways.

Welp, I dilly-dallied enough - need to get this done.
