Heck, it is here, and I'm posting early. Mainly because the Wife has the bed covered with crap she has to wrap for tomorrow (today) and I can't lay down to go to sleep. And I thought insomnia was bad...
Tomorrow, I learned tonight, we are going to the Middle Son's place to do our "celebration" and exchanges. I love that he and his partner have opened their domicile for this to happen. I'm excited to see ALL my children in one place!!!
It sucks, sorta that We have to wait until Saturday to do the same at my parents, but they were nice enough to not rush us for time, and we get that much more time with them as well.
So now I am killing time, waiting for the Wife to get done wrapping, so I can go to sleep. IF I can, cause this damn insomnia. I have had friends tell me I should look into edibles, those (for lack of better words) pot-infused gummies. I gave $20 to a girl that goes regularly, and am supposed to pick them up Friday. Yes, in AZ I can buy my own, but.... I asked her. Curious if they work well. There might me a My Chart note to the NP that I found something that actually works, so quit that 'scrip on that shit that don't work... just saying.
And with that...
Hope you ALL have a MERRY CHRISTMAS (or whatever you wanna call it)....