Monday, January 27

My Mother... sigh

 Yes. That is my post title. No offense RM, but I am sure you been thinking something along the lines of 'he ain't posted in awhile'....' and that would be correct.

Nothing exciting here. Doing my jobs (as secretary) for committees, and the hugs/hand-shakes as needed. Not that anyone will remember me, or care.

I have a Widget. Sister to the Doodad, and I am so happy!!!! I wish I could get out of town more to see them, but I understand they need time to make their own family dynamic, and how they work together. Makes a Papaw sad, but I know.

No word from work.

VFW things, well, they are what they are. Had our Riders Meeting today (I need to type up minutes for that) and that's good. Or okay at least. 

Yep. That was my week up until today. Exciting, right? Yeah. Uh huh.


Saturday, January 18

Not So Wonderful Thursday

 I think I had barely logged out of here on Thursday morning, when I was given the information that my VFW Post Commander had died the previous night, due to complications from a motorcycle/SUZ collision (Comm. being on his bike). I ended up at the Post, but it was a vigil for the Comm, and later that evening, many went down to the hospital to do the Walk of Honor. They were able to use both kidneys and his liver. Friday I stayed home and did pretty much nothing. The Wife went to Tucson, as the Daughter was being induced at some point on Friday. She'll be gone for a week.

This morning I did get the news that baby arrived well and healthy. I am waiting the weight, and other details now, so I can pass along to RM. I probably won't be headed down there to see them until tomorrow. I know much of today will be bedrest, and not sure how long she would need to stay at the hospital, etc. I know Daughter was saying that she doesn't want everyone one int he world coming in the room at once, and know the SIL's family, that won't stop them. They're a bit of assholes most of the time.

So this post is paused for now, and will open up later today.

Washington and Detroit play tonight, and I am hooking up with a buddy I have not seen in awhile to watch it.


Thursday, January 16

Getting Too Old

 Monday was a fun day. Friends and I went out and tailgated at the State Farm Arena, and after game start, we went to a local pub they know of for a couple more beers and some food. After the game (we watched at the pub) they went home and I went to a pub I frequent. Then went home. I did have an accident that night, somehow lost my balance in the bathroom, and fell. I must have hit my cheek on the wall or doorframe, because I had a couple cuts on the inside of my cheek, and what feels like bruising a small area of the jawline. Tuesday morning when I woke, I could hardly move (from all the walking at the stadium) as my legs were so sore. I was supposed to have an Aux meeting that night, but not moving well, I skipped it.

Wednesday I felt a little better. I did get up to Walgreens to pick up some prescriptions I had ready. They charged me! I know it had been a month since my last refills, and 99% of the 'scripts are "preventative" and usually are at 0 cost. but for 4 of them yesterday, it was over $22 (still cheap, I know) and one, the insurance refused to fill anymore. I have an appointment on the 10th and will address these issues with the NP.

Today has not started off badly. Woke about a due to the Wife's alarm. Now just waiting a bit longer to check my glucose and BP numbers, then will find something for breakfast. I think this afternoon I will go to the Post and hang out drinking iced tea for the afternoon, and get some reading time in.


Monday, January 13

A Fire Under My Tail....?

I don't know how to say it, so just say it I will...

Thanks to the fires running rampantly in California, be it caused by negligence, DEWs, or just dumb general public (known to be starting fires in the LA area) the venue for the Minnesota-LA Rams was changed to Phoenix for tonight's game. I will be out tailgating at said game, even though I care for neither team. It is a friendship building thing, as I am going with dome people that support the Vikings (puke!) but they are good people I know from the VFW, and they were kind enough to invite me to hang out with them as they tailgate. We have touched base this morning and will be meeting up in a few hours to have a wonderful afternoon, even without actually going into the game venue. Might end up at a bar watching the game, or may not... we have not made plans as to that far out yet. My team, Washington, pulled out a win last night against Tampa Bay, and we proceed to next week, to play against Detroit. I have a couple of very good friends that are Lions fans, and messaged with both last night. One lives here int he Valley, and we are going to try to hook up to watch the game next week, but either way, I have a strong feeling Washington will be out of the running after the game....

It is a Monday, but I guess I need to get stuff done this week. Told the Youngest to get up by 10am today, so we could get him scheduled for his road test for his driver's license. He's got 30 minutes or I am off to do other things. I have told him before, you need to be responsible for the times you commit to getting things done, be it a job, or just verbal commitments to other people. No matter how much I want to aid/abet him, he has to learn on his own, and the consequences. Sigh. Another sad point in my life.

Other than that, short post today. Looking forward to having some fun with friends today.


Saturday, January 4

Playing Some Catch-Up on Events

 Though it did not seem I was overly busy during the month of December, as I am going back through my calendar, I see several things that I had done. In fact, I have spent some time this morning getting the information needed into the Riders Group, and the Post Aux, so my volunteer hours show involvement for our Post. What's nice, is because I am a member of two groups, I get to "double-dip" the volunteer hours, counting one event for each group. Well, I think I got everything for the Riders Group entered into the system now. I only had one from what I could tell, for the Aux. Their paperwork is harder to figure out, and even just the one event I listed for them, I couldn't figure out where on the sheet it should go, so just emailed the information to the President. Let them figure it out.

Today, Saturday, will be dropping back into the regular routine somewhat. Have my all-day battle in one of the games I am playing. Probably end up at the Post this afternoon for a bit, haven't made up my mind yet.

See? So exciting....


Thursday, January 2

Return to Work Day

 Well, it is for most people.... Except for me and the Wife. She had to work NYD, and I am currently STILL not on a project. I had gotten a couple days behind on my emails, and I did see the Company sent something to me the other day, but once I opened it this morning, I realized it was just a questionnaire regarding Complex Document Reviews, and if I had experience (I do) etc etc. I completed it and sent it back, so maybe they have one coming up soon?

It feels like so much has gone on this past week, but reflecting back, there hasn't been. Christmas Day was spent sitting around the house until about 6pm when the Daughter and family made it up to do our family exchange. It didn't last long, as Middle Son (who was hosting) had to be at work in about a couple of hours, and needed a nap prior to going in. But at least I got to see all four kids together. Then it was wait until Saturday to meet at RM's for lunch and gift exchange. Not all the kids could make that day, but still was nice. RM made me a good-sized diamond art picture, based off a picture of my in my Santa suit. I was surprised. And I got quite a bit of pickle items... which I will gladly eat.

Since then, Sunday was spent at the Post helping decorate for the NYE party, followed by watching my NFK team win that evening. Tuesday was NYE and I did attend the party at the Post, only because a couple of friends had said they were going. If they had not, I would have stayed home. NYD was just spent around the house, trying to get things together to get done for the new year.

So this morning I am sitting here paying off some bills that came in, and catching up on emails. Exciting.
