Traveling went well, overall. The trip to Pueblo, CO, took about 13 1/2 hours of time, with a few break for potties, gas, and we stopped at one point for lunch just to get out of the vehicle for more than 30 minutes, by having lunch in Albuquerque at a Denny's.
Services on Saturday were nice. Not that I know how a Celebration of Life service could/should go, but I heard from family members that there were more people there than they expected. Is that good when you are dead, I don't know.
Thirteen and a half hours drive time total (with stops) to get there. I did the best I could, especially considering I was driving roads and areas I had never been before. The return trip was cutting the time down to 12 1/2 hours, mostly because it was downhill, plus I was driving faster, knowing the route and roads by that point.
Though this was an Aunt on the Wife's side of the family, a death always makes me think. Do I have my wants/needs/requirements in order for when I go? The drive left too much time for reflection on these terms, and still, nothing is resolved. I think I should just devote a journal/notebook to the wants and wishes of (when I die) and say fuck all to the rest. I know, though, that that is not fair to my Wife. Maybe... What if ... When I die, maybe no one will need to know, and my body will be donated to science so no one has to cremate my remains. I hate the thought of anyone saving my ashes, or "feeling the need" to spread them somewhere (at a bar?).
Morbid thoughts tonight.
RM said lots of prayers for our safe travel, and they panned out. Appreciate it Mom! Might be headed South this coming Saturday to Tucson to visit the grandkids, but not sure. I know I'm kinda tired of driving right now, but I can't see them if I don't go. Sigh.
Well, enough griping for now....