Wow. This week has definitely not been exciting. I haven't done much either. Actually, if you can believe it, I haven't been to the bar much either. I know.... shocking!
But since I haven't done much, there isn't much to write about. It is Friday, and I guess I will head to the Post here shortly. I think I might swing out to my Brother's place as well. I have a certificate and gift card for the Nephew, for some volunteer work he has done for the Post, and the Aux Pres gave him recognition at the last Aux meeting. Still have it in the car, as I have not seen the Brother in some time. RM is supposed to be over there today as well. Brother wanted to have "cleaned house" while she was in NC this week. Meaning he wanted to try to tackle cleaning out his garage. I'm sure that went/is going well. I'm timing it so that I stop by, drop off the thing, and then go to the Post because they are open. Ugh. I don't care for the bartender they have today, but sometimes you have to make exceptions.
And with that, I have nothing else to say....
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