Sunday, March 23

More Boring Stuff...

 There are many things I want to say in today's post, but the bottom line is.... I am not sure how to say them.

I spoke little over a week ago, about the bathroom assault that took place. Tinnitus is my friend evidently, as it has been a constant since the event. Some days are better than others, but even alcohol cannot stop it. I find myself losing a trin of thought at times. Other times, I find myself losing balance. There is no definite thing I can adjust to, it just happens. Pretty much like life in general.....

It *was* Saturday, when the day started. I met up with RM for some breakfast at a restaurant we all generally love. Black Bear Diner usually does not disappoint. I truly had a good time catching up with RM, even though we had briefly talked on Friday, when I swung by my Brother's home (a whole 'nother story).As always, loved catching up on small talk, though most of ours were situated around my other siblings, and, yes, sigh, PT. But no matter how our conversation went, RM and I could laugh and have a good time. I really should do these breakfast/lunches more often, but then, what would we have to talk about? Know what I mean Vern?

Next weekend, our Anniversary weekend, we are headed to Tucson (again). The newest granddaughter is being baptized/christened/dedicated whatever it is called, at the church the Daughter and SIL attend. Of course we will stand in support, even if I don't know what for. I'm more worried about the SIL's parents (his dad is a jackass). Sheesh... I said it already.

I got many other things rolling through my mind right now. Most of which, I do not want to share, until I know more, but overall, I'm not sure it will make you or I a better person. Years ago, I left behind a portion of me, that needed to stay in the past, and had no future with my family, or me. Due to recent events, that persona has come a-knocking....

My mental health isn't as good as it should be. But I have a wonderful Wife, whom I share these details with, and she helps get the worst of it away. And I have a few, very good, close friends I am able to talk with, that help as well.

Right now, I'm trying my best to NOT be that person again.

I just want the ringing in my head to stop.....f'ing tinnitus.


Friday, March 21

More Boring BS ....

 Wow. This week has definitely not been exciting. I haven't done much either. Actually, if you can believe it, I haven't been to the bar much either. I know.... shocking!

But since I haven't done much, there isn't much to write about. It is Friday, and I guess I will head to the Post here shortly. I think I might swing out to my Brother's place as well. I have a certificate and gift card for the Nephew, for some volunteer work he has done for the Post, and the Aux Pres gave him recognition at the last Aux meeting.  Still have it in the car, as I have not seen the Brother in some time. RM is supposed to be over there today as well. Brother wanted to have "cleaned house" while she was in NC this week. Meaning he wanted to try to tackle cleaning out his garage. I'm sure that went/is going well. I'm timing it so that I stop by, drop off the thing, and then go to the Post because they are open. Ugh. I don't care for the bartender they have today, but sometimes you have to make exceptions.

And with that, I have nothing else to say....


Sunday, March 16

Another Boring Weekend Update

 Not much went on this weekend. Since the event that happened Wednesday night, I have not been out to the pub (any of them). I decided I needed to get up to the VFW for part of Saturday afternoon. No one questioned me about the incident, so I am guessing no one there knew. Especially considering the only way to find out was to read my blog... since when does my Brother read my blog? I wonder if RM mentioned it to him, and he went to read about it. Either way, he tried calling for Thursday several times, and I think again on Friday, but I just didn't answer his calls, or my nephews. Related texts from them read something along the lines of "I'll mess that dude up when you find him..." and similar. It's none of their business, and like I couldn't handle my own? This guy was HUGE! I think that me being able to whip your butts, you two ain't going to do anything to this guy....

Anyways, so I left the Post, as a friend mentioned he was meeting some other we knew at my old hangout, so I met them. I lasted about a beer, then headed out. It was boring, my headache was back from the ringing in my ear. I cruised across the street to the pub where the incident happened. The fill-in bartender knew nothing about it, but said if I saw the guy come in, she would 86 him. He never showed. I read for a couple hours, had a couple beers, then went home.

Youngest spent the night with a HS friend last night. Sunday night, took the Wife to Chili's for dinner, and now we are back home. No major plans this week. Saturday meeting RM for lunch, then to a birthday party at the Post. Sunday will be our monthly Riders meeting. Pretty boring.

Tomorrow is St Patrick's Day, or as I call it, Amateur Night, due to all the young people drinking too much and being stupid. I think I will go up to the pub for a bit in the afternoon, and leave before it gets late. Avoid them youngsters!


Thursday, March 13

Full Moon (No, My Pants are Definitely Pulled Up)

 Interesting post title, eh? I wasn't really creative about it, and you'll understand why when you get to the end of the post...but still....

The Wife was off of work today (low census on patients, meaning they didn't need as many people) so we ended up going over to Metrocenter (long story, but it used to be a mall, now closed and being torn down, but many restaurants around the area) to try out a new place that is in it's Grand Opening stage. It is a Chinese buffet, and is literally across the street from the current one we go to on occasion. Already weird, I know. Anyways, we went there. Lunch price was fine, fewer food selections, but they had all the goodies (to me) so I piled a plate high with meat: chicken teriyaki, kung pao, sweet & sour, pork sausage and onions, egg roll, and a big scoop of green beans. Food tasted better than what I recall from the other buffet, plus, for dessert, they had the ice cream machine (the ice milk pull the handle to dispense). The Wife and I enjoyed a good lunch, then headed to the AZ Biker Leather store (so I could get my vest, and patches done). Well turns out they were closed due to vacation, but due to resume regular hours Thursday (guess where I will be).

Once home, Wife and I talked a bit about plans for ourselves for the rest of the day. I mentioned I was going to the pub, as I expected to meet up with a buddy I had not seen in about a week. I did, we caught up, and another friend joined us up there as well.

It was during that time frame, that DUMBASSERY hit. My Brother sent me a pic of him at the ER. Turns out he had been shot by a pellet gun (wound in the shoulder area). What? How? Why? Oh, he told his 23'ish year old son to shoot him. I. Kid. You. Not.

About that time, I looked up at the sky, and though we are getting some cloud cover (expecting rain tomorrow) saw that the moon was a FULL one. I mentioned to my buddies, it's a full moon, what sort of crazies are we going to see tonight. Little did I know....

One friend left for home about that time, and it left two of us sitting there at the pub. I needed to relive the bladder, headed to the Men's. As I was going (yes, penis in hand, stream flowing to the urinal, back to the door) a guy walks in and gives me a haymaker, flat-palmed, against the right side of my head (hitting the ear) which throws me into the wall. I stagger, and turn to ask What the hell.... and see this guy who is like 6'9" and looks like he was born/raised to wrestle cattle.... and he is yelling at me about calling him a "bitch" on Tuesday night.

At this I have some points that need to be known.

1) Yes, I was there Tuesday night. I have seen this particular person several times over the past several months, and NEVER have I exchanged ANY words with him. So to be accused of interrupting a conversation and call him a bitch? No, never happened.

2) I'm 53 years old. I'm overweight. I use a cane. I'm peeing in a urinal, with my penis in hand, and this huge guy sucker-punches me upside the head. Something wrong here? He wants to kick ass, but does this to a handicapped old guy, behind his back, while is literally holding and doing business. Yeah, stay classy. You are oh so tough taking out an old guy in that manner. Wouldn't even face him to throw the punch....

3) Yes. Busted eardrum (best I can tell). Hearing is very minimal now on that side (not much worse than before, but still worse). No bleeding/cuts. Slight bruising along the side of my face. Had some blurry vision from the right side eye for about an hour, but it cleared up. By the time I got home (let's just say it was in the AM hours) I had the Wife check my pupils (before I told her what happened) and they were fine. After the story, she noticed some slight swelling on that side of my face, and thought it might actually bruise, but I don't care. Nothing she can do about the ear... not that I used it to listen to her anyways (ha ha).

Can't sleep. Starting to feel some pain in the neck (probably from being hit on the side of the head so hard) and no balance/dizziness/vertigo, but can tell the large percentage of hearing loss on the right. Know how we "pressure-check" our ears by holding the nose, and 'blowing out'? Well, earlier, it felt like wind blowing out my right ear (busted eardrum). At this early (late) hour, I just tried again, and it didn't act like before, but I also didn't force it, so maybe the drum is starting to heal already.

RM, sorry you had to read about my escapades on here, but I'm not really ready to talk to anyone about it (except the Wife). PTSD? I don't think so... This would never been considered my first foray into getting my ass kicked. I would have loved the chance to see it coming, versus getting sucker-punched from behind.... I have many friends, that would gladly help me retaliate in whatever way to this guy (physically or whatever) but I'm not pursuing that. I let the bartender know what happened, and that I wanted him 86'd for LIFE (the owners of this place own like 6 bars in that area of town, so he would out of all of them).

I had a time-frame of my life, where I was not a good person. There were tings done that I'm not happy about, whether I was part of it, or all of it, I was just not pleased about it. After tonight's "incident" those memories came to the fore-front of my mind. I know I don't want to be that person, not now, but my basic anger, and reactionary mind-set about the whole thing.... I would kill this MF'er without thinking twice. Attacks me from behind, while I am holding my privates and pee'ing. What a man. Dead man as far as I am concerned. Not by me, or by my suggestion. Just is.

Full Moons and crazies. Dumbasses we call family (my Brother, My Nephew). <raising the shot glass> and to the bad memories from bad things we did years ago, only to re-surface because some bully sucker-punches in the bathroom.... Heh. Big Toast... take two sips.


Tuesday, March 11

What Am I Gonna Do With Myself?

 Sigh/grumble. That looks weird written out, but that is the sound I pretty much made as I say here, and decided to throw some words down....

Nothing exciting here. Ever. Yesterday, I decided to head down to the Post. Due to "low customer levels" the Post bar is usually closed through the week (Tues, Weds) and Mondays they open later (like 4pm) for just long enough for the dart league to play. Regardless, Saturday a couple of buddies were telling me to come up on Monday, even with the later hours. So I did. The two buddies met me there, and were all about how the bartender is new, and better looking than most of the others, etc. I was unimpressed. I'm of the age where the service has to be prompt, not with beauty. So I 'hung out' for a couple hours, then headed back to my regular spot. I lasted there a couple hours before I said to heck with it, and went home.

Today brings yet another meeting. Tonight's is the general Post/Aux meetings, and as par for the course, our secretary sent out the meeting notes from last month, and tonight's agenda, all at a late hour last night. Always last minute with this person, who was a past President for the AUX. Sigh. Maybe I just expect too much? I mean, c'mon, I secretary for two (2) meetings/month, and get my notes out within a day or so of the meeting (allows me for one night of drinking, to decipher the hidden notes within my notes).

Anyways, it is late morning now, and I think I shall head up to the pub for some beer, followed by the meeting this evening....


Monday, March 10

Returning to a (Somewhat?) Normal Life

 Saturday, we went over to the Middle Son's apartment for the baby shower for his girlfriend. They played some small games (I didn't participate) and had several people stop in. It was a come-and-go affair. We brought over extra water bottles, and provided some eats (chips, a garden tray, some candies). I got to see my Doodad and Widget, and got some more cuddle time with Widget. She really is starting to show some baby chubbiness as she has been gaining some weight. Wife and I left late afternoon, and once we had unloaded at home, I headed down to the VFW, as I had been by there in a few weeks. I didn't stay late, as no one there I really wanted to talk with, and it was the same seven people singing karaoke (which gets boring with their same songs), so I headed towards home and stopped into my regular spot. New bartender was working, instead of one of the girls I prefer, so left there, went to my old stomping grounds, it was dead, so off to home I went.

Sunday we had planned for the Youngest's Bday dinner, since his Sister and family were in town. He wanted Olive Garden, so we went. Oldest Son was able to make it, and I had invited RM And PT to join as well. Service was not up to what I would consider their regular standard. It took too much time to get drink orders, which we went and ordered food at the same time, since we had to wait so long. Another long wait to actually get my drink (iced tea). Refills on my salad seemed to take a long short, everything took much longer than it should have. But I didn't reflect my displeasure in the tip, because all said and done, we were a party of nine....

Very few plans for this week. Monday evening I am headed to the Post as I said I would meet up with a couple other members and hang-out. Tuesday is our general Aux meeting. Saturday, our Riders Chapter is going along with some other groups on a ride, starts in Coolidge, and I am not sure where-all it is going, but should be a most of the day event. I was thinking of riding along (even in my RAV), but not sure it if it will happen - me going that is.

Was watching some of them short reels on the FB tonight, and came across a couple that had to do with the Villains of Disney movies (Maleficent, etc.) and some origin, or "twisted tales" from several authors. I started hunting a few down through my book sites. Think I may check them out and see if they are interesting. Some were marked for more YA, but who knows.

Guess I should go and try to lay down again. I took one of them edibles a couple hours plus ago, but I think it isn't working tonight, due to the amount of food I ate. Maybe it isn't strong enough to fight the body with all that food break-down going on. I dunno.


Wednesday, March 5

I Thought I Was Dying....

 ... not really, but it was not enjoyable. Last Thursday (a few, scant days since returning home) the Wife brought home a very nasty, very debilitating stomach bug. She mentioned it had been going around at work. She came home after only a half day, then by Friday morning, the Youngest and I were sick as well. Fluids coming out of every orifice, couldn't hold down ANYTHING, aches/pains, nausea, no "will to live"...and sleep. I slept through most of Friday and Saturday, though by Saturday, I finally was able to hold down some Ritz crackers and a little bit of 7-Up. Sunday I was back to about 85%. RM had offered a couple times to bring food over, but I didn't want to take the chance of her or PT catching it.

...and that also means we didn't make it out of town as we had hoped, to see the grandkids. Sigh. At least I will see them this weekend, as they are coming into town for a baby shower.

Nothing else really going on.
