Tuesday, August 13

Still Vehicle-less

Still without a vehicle of my own. I contacted the insurance yesterday, as I expected the check last week.... it was "held up in processing" and I now should expect it "in a few days". I needed it last week. Fortunately RM is letting me use her van for getting to work since she is on vacation this week. Though, PT pissed me off when they dropped it off. Trying to treat me like I was 16... "Only drive it from work to home and no where else". Fuck off. I'm about ready to just tell him to get the hell out of my life and die. I know RM... cruel, but I am just getting tired of his shit and demands. I'm almost 48 years old... and I can only drive the car from work to home.... Now I'm angry. Great. Thanks for pissing me off more Tom.

Don't want to write anymore now.


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