Saturday, November 2

November Has Arrived

Halloween is over. Thanksgiving is coming up. Christmas after that. In two months the year will be over, and I think back over what has happened this year, and how it has changed things. New house. One (newer) car. Three accidents, two damaged vehicles. My back has decided to start getting worse. I was off Friday since I couldn't hardly walk when I woke up. That's been twice in the last month. Today it is a bit better, but still not back to normal. At least the exercises from the PT, from my work comp injury two years ago) helps get that disc slipped back into place. It just takes an unknown amount of days and exercises. Took three weeks last time.

I haven't heard officially, but suspect the Middle Son and the band will be going to State this year for competition. They were to do the Senior Walk last night, but he refused to do it. The Wife had even made up a poster for the walk. He's stubborn like his father.... and more traits that I wish weren't shared.

I talked to the Boss at work last month about trying to find me a different position to work. The current job is getting too much physically for me to accomplish. Especially the way it is wreaking havoc on my back. He was "going to see" what could happen, but of course, like everything else there, it hasn't happened yet. Not sure if it will. So, I am still looking for another job. Not having much luck there either.

I need to start looking for gifts for the family for Christmas. I hate shopping. I think Amazon may get quite a bit of my purchases this year. That is if I am able to find anything for anyone. I've never been much of a people person and figuring out gifts for them. Usually I get the ideas from The Wife, and I just buy them. But, The Wife has a bday coming up as well, and the kids never get her anything, so I have to triple search for things for her, as gifts from the boys and from me. Yee Haw. Fun stuff.

Guess I should spend some of this down-time doing some shopping online. Though, I get distracted by books and playing Warcraft.


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