Wednesday, January 20

Another Hump Day

 Hmmmm. Not sure what to think/say about the Inaugural address given today. "Unity" was obviously the key word used. Talking last night with a friend, who is more politically informed than I am, we had some random thoughts.

Shutting down the Keystone Pipeline. Gas prices have risen here in the Valley about $0.20 over the past few weeks. I think they said this morning the average in AZ is about $2.40. With wanting to shut down this pipeline, prices are going to rise again.

Battling the NRA. I think Dems have always done this, and I am not surprised this will be an issue again (still). Already I know there is a shortage of ammunition across the US, depending on what you use/need/want. Mostly .9MM is what I have heard. I'm still thinking about getting a Colt .45ACP and maybe a 12 gauge. I haven't had the chance to go out and look, but probably will here soon.

Covid and the 'vaccine'. Oh, I don't know how I want to go about this one. Local news stations here state that AZ has a small percentage of the vaccine that we need. It will be interesting how the new regime in office will handle this distribution to states, etc. Personally, I don't know if I even want to get this shot. Excuse, shots, because you have to have two of them. I don't know offhand anyone that has received it, so can't say there are bad effects. I'm just leery about a "cure" that is rushed out to the world without proper testing and procedures. Maybe I am just not properly informed. Shrug.

Enough on that crap... it's depressing for me.


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