Saturday, February 20

Should I... Shouldn't I...?

 I have been debating this long this morning.... well, not that long. but the last hour plus... if I should even write today. My rational mind says 'Yes! Write every chance you get! No matter what it is!' And the other part says, 'Whatever. Who reads it but Mom?' Yeah... bad attitudes can create bad habits. Lord knows I have enough of them already.

So here I am. Writing. About what? Well, let's see where it goes.

I closed the pub down last night. That means in AZ it was close to 2am before I got a Lyft ride home. I have no idea why, but I had set my alarm for 6 am, so I was p when it went off. Yes, I was tired, and even thought/tried to roll over and go back to sleep, but my mind would not let me. So I got up and went into our 'office', and thought, I am hungry. It is about 6:30... I thought... why don't I call RM and invite out for breakfast. So, I did. We did. Ate. Came home.

Obviously there was much more to that. we shared things going on in our lives. Maybe me more than her, but I have to share what the kids are doing, too. I think we both had a good time. I know when I got home, I was ready to have an EKG. I kid you not, my heart was racing and it took me about 5 minutes to figure out why. I had coffee. I don't normally drink coffee, and usually if I do, it is just 1, maybe 2, cups t home. I had at least 5 this morning. They were smaller cups, but still....and then I realized. I never said "decaf" ... Now RM does not like the word decaf, let alone anything in her coffee. So I didn't realize until I was home I had had at least 5 cups of regular....whew! I still feel like I have the energy to run 5 miles (but I know I couldn't do 5 houses). I AM WIRED!!!!! Dammit Mother!

Other than that, a good morning. Got an email late in the day yesterday that I have a new project starting Monday for work. A quick text last night also "says" I could be closing on the sale of the house this week (holding out for actual proof). Everything is sounding good to a good start to the week. But I'm waiting for that other shoe. It is truly my nature to be pessimistic.

After all, an optimist is NEVER pleasantly surprised.


1 comment:

Rev Mom said...

Decaf? Really? I had no idea you drank decaf coffee! Did you put that energy to work? Thank you again for breakfast - I loved spending time with you.