Tuesday, March 16

Twiddle, Twiddle, Twiddle

 I'm twiddlin' me thumbs this morning. I woke about an hour before the alarm was to go off - no reason as to why. But realized laying there, that sleep was not coming back for any length of time. So I got up. I got at least 6- 7 hours of sleep. Though, at midnight we were awakened by a knocking noise coming from the front door. However, once there, no one appeared, and we couldn't figure out more than the one short set of knocks we heard. I might have decided it was the cats possibly knocking something over... except for the 4-5 raps we heard. Youngest said he heard something, though he thought it was a motorcycle going by. I dunno.

I jumped on to Warcraft this morning, thinking I would kill a little time getting some "daily" quest things done. Forgot Tuesday is reset day, so the system goes down at a certain time (7am PDT) and is planning on being down for a few hours today. Most resets are about 5 minutes long, but I guess there are software updates/fixes they are putting into place probably, and explains the longer downtime. Wither way, it was only wasted about an hour this morning. With AZ not changing times, I don't get to adjust my start time for work... and still have about an hour and half before I can start. I wonder if I ask our Team Lead if I can change just ne hour earlier, since everyone else can....

Tomorrow is March 17th, a day traditionally called St Patrick's Day, where many in America wear green, and claim they are of Irish descent. Then go out and be assholes by drinking (and lots of times driving). I am not wearing green. Most years I don't. But I am of Irish descent. And I do like to go out drinking, and usually do, but leave early to stay away from the amateurs. I plan on going out for a little bit tomorrow, though will have the Wife drop me off, and take a Lyft home, to avoid any possible driving mishaps.

Guess that is all I got....


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